Saturday, January 17, 2015

Acknowledge The Lord

We titled this blog "Betrothed In Faithfulness" based on a verse in Hosea, and if you know anything at all about Hosea, you know he was definitely faithful. He was faithful to his wife and more importantly he was faithful to God. God asked Hosea to marry a prostitute and on top of that, a prostitute who would be unfaithful to him. Hosea's life imitated the relationship between God and the Israelites, who for years were not faithful in their worship of Him. Like God who continued to woo and win his people, Hosea does the same with his wife, Gomer. Hosea was faithful to God through it all, just as God has been faithful to those who love Him.

Faithfulness is key in a successful marriage. Faithfulness to God and His laws and faithfulness to one another. Without either, the marriage will truly struggle and perhaps collapse.

To keep faithfulness to God, regular time in Scripture reading, time in church and in prayer are all ways to keep God at the forefront of your life. Know what He requires and adhere to it. Remember Potiphar's wife, in the book of Genesis, pursuing Joseph? She tempted him daily. His response to her was filled with faithfulness to the Father: “Look, with me here, my master has no concern about anything in the house, and he has put everything that he has in my hand. He is not greater in this house than I am, nor has he kept back anything from me except yourself, because you are his wife. How then could I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?" Gen. 39:8-9. Don't think for a second Joseph wasn't tempted. Joseph refused to even be it the same place with Potiphar's wife, according to verse 10. He was eluding temptation. But Joseph's greatest concern was about pleasing God.

If we made it our aim to always please God and be obedient to Him, marriages would be rock solid. Couples need to arm themselves daily with the Word to be prepared for Satan's attempt to derail us. When you marry, Satan will not give up. He will look for any opportunity to destroy it. Know that. He wants to destroy your faith, your integrity, your trust and your unity. And he will use whatever he has available and any weaknesses you show to accomplish it.

Make faithfulness your aim. When you are all googly eyed about each other, it is hard to imagine you could possibly be unfaithful to the one you love. But there are countless divorced people around the world proving Satan's success. You belong to the Lord. Be sure your behavior reflects that always. When you commit to one another in marriage, that commitment is for life. Our Father doesn't give up on us, so do not give up on one another.

The Hosea verse is this: "I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the Lord." (2:19-20). The ultimate goal in this marriage is that you both acknowledge, love and obey the Lord. Be faithful to Him.

Discussion: Share examples of relationships that were not faithful. How did it change circumstances for the couple? People around them? Share examples of relationships that were faithful. What are ways you can use to support your faithfulness to one another?

Prayer: Lord God, you are so in love with us, and we thank you for that love. We pray we love you back equally so and show it through our obedience to you. Thank you for not giving up on us. Thank you for Jesus. In His name we pray. Amen.

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