Saturday, January 24, 2015

Apples Of Gold

The other day, I was out to breakfast with several friends and we were chatting away sharing all the things going on in our lives. There was much laughter as our stories were pretty goofy. Next to us was an elderly couple who had obviously been together for years. They sat in silence eating their scrambled eggs and hashbrown casserole. They may very well have been listening in to our conversations, which would have provided them with much comic relief. But I couldn't help but wonder if they didn't know each other so well that they just didn't have anything to say to one another. And it made me a little sad. I thought to myself that I hoped your Daddy and I would never, ever be sitting together having a meal where we didn't have anything to share with each other.

Aunt Jodi and I were talking about that, and she made a very interesting comment. She said, "I would rather see an old couple together not speaking than a young couple together both on their cellphones." Woo hoo, isn't that the truth? I see many, many people of your generation sitting at meals together not interacting with one another but rather focused on the technology a hand. Most people are wise enough to realize that focusing on electronics while in the company of others is flat out rude. The Father designed us to enjoy social interaction, thus the love of social networking, but as God knew this generation of high-tech communication was coming (nothing surprises the Lord), I do not think he wants us to ignore the souls in our presence for those who are not (unless, of course it is an emergency).

You may want to make it a rule to not use cellphones at the dinner table, so you can focus on each other. It is just common courtesy. But let's say that is the rule already for you ... at the beginning of this devotion I commented about the fact that this older couple was not speaking to one another. I pray you always have something to share with each other. If that means you take up a new hobby or volunteer somewhere, do it. You want to have new things to share with one another.

Communication is so important, and as you are each other's best friends, make an effort to invest in it sharing stories and uplifting one another. If you have to create a conversation jar with questions in it, do so. Proverbs 16:24 says, "Pleasant words are a honey comb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." And Proverbs 25:11 says, "A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver." Have sweet conversations. It's fun, you will learn more and be socializing as we were intended.

Discussion: Do you have any problem having conversations? Do you think silence when you are together is a good thing? What are ways you can drum up conversations? Do you have trouble putting down electronics when together?

Prayer: Father, we are blessed to be able to communicate with you through prayer. Lord, I pray we make an effort to be in the moment and enjoy the company of those around us. In Jesus name, Amen.

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