Thursday, January 29, 2015


It probably doesn't make a hill of beans in the strengthening of our marriage. But it sure makes each day special. That would be candlelight dinners. Years ago, I noticed when we visited my Grandma Swain she lit candles at every dinner. I must've thought it was just for our benefit as guests, but I asked her about it. She told me she lit candles at every single dinner. Something about it making every dinner with my grandfather special or romantic. I cannot even remember her exact words about it, but I remember deciding at the moment that I would light candles every meal I remembered. I try to do it at every supper (sometimes at breakfast and lunch, too). Lighting candles somehow gives some element of sweetness, love, warmth and value. Maybe it harkens back to the days of gathering around the fire to eat or back to the days with no electricity when people had to eat by candlelight. Regardless, it's a beautiful tradition both your Daddy and I enjoy.

People look beautiful by candlelight (and campfires, I might add). The flickering of the flames just warms up everyone's face and makes us feel all cozy inside. And when you think of candlelight meals, they are typically meals where something special happens ... holiday celebrations, weddings or proposals. Stress melts away, hearts are softened, people lean in closer to each other. Just makes me happier all around.

I cannot tell you how many candles and candlesticks for that matter we have gone through. Brass and glass, scented and unscented, drippy and non-drip, we've gone through many. I used to want two matching candles and candlesticks at the table, but now, I try to use a mixture (all purchased at Goodwill) and even coordinate colors to the holiday or season to change things up. I love the candlelight dinner. And I love that it reminds me of my grandparents nearly every day.

Do we recommend you do it? Well, yeah, why not? It falls along the same premise as "when do you use your fine china and good silverware" argument. Why not all the time? Why can't every day be special and memorable?

One could make an argument that "well, you like controlled fire, thus the candlelight at every meal," and there would be some truth to that as well. But honestly I think it's precious and sweet and hope you both will take the time to continue that tradition. For a couple that loves food, atmosphere, presentation, ambiance and the like, I think it is a perfect fit. Plus God had candles in the Tabernacle not far from the table of showbread (Exodus 25), so He must think it's pretty special too.

Discussion: Do you light candles at supper? What do you think of the tradition?

Prayer: Father, thank You for the light of candles and the feelings it invokes in us. I pray we make each moment, each meal, a time of love and sweet sharing, not just with each other, but also with You. In Jesus, the Light of the World, Amen.

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