Monday, January 19, 2015

Like A Sunset

It started with a bouquet. I think that may have been the first picture you sent me after your engagement. When I asked what your wedding colors would be, you texted me a bouquet picture you have saved for years. Oranges, pinks, yellows and sea blues danced in this bouquet. So we had a starting point. You wanted all the colors as part of the wedding. And knowing how you've always loved bright colors, this did not surprise me. Then came the question: What will the bridesmaids wear? I should have known one color wouldn't do. So the debate went on between seablues and coral pinks for the bridesmaids. The solution: "Mommy, I want them to look like a sunset." So, off Anton and I went to David's Bridal to combine colors and see what six colors blended into a beautiful sunset. After several mixes and matches with colors that had names like ballet, persimmon, begonia and cherry, we settled on watermelon, punch, guava, coral reef, tangerine and sunbeam. A beautiful sunset of
chiffon, flowing dresses. We had our colors. Then the question: which girl would wear which color? And which dress design would be chosen? I know you left the choice up to the girls. You asked the girls to try on the three styles you selected to see what they liked the best and asked them what color they wanted to wear. Now they haven't yet tried on the dress styles, but they all have selected the color they liked best ... and the amazing thing ... they each picked a different color! What are the chances! So Lindsey in watermelon, Shay in punch, Emily in guava, Mary in coral reef, Rebecca in tangerine and Cristina in sunbeam. Unbelievable. Of course, now we have to see what the consensus will be on design.

I looked up wedding colors to see what the significance was. The Perfect Palette said couples who choose aqua blue want a wedding near a body of water and those who select coral have a tropical, beachy feel. Check, check on both of those counts. You have both. Color Psychology says folks who pick orange are fun-loving, uplifting, creative and social; yellow is illuminating, warm and cheerful; seablue shows ambition and friendliness and coral expresses love. Again,check, check, check, check. There is no way one color could possibly express you both, so this combination is perfect.

This could be one of the most beautiful weddings I will ever go to from a color standpoint. Bright, lively, fun, inviting and joyful are the thoughts and feelings they bring to mind. And what better words to describe the union of two people who love the Lord, love each other, love the folks they are asking to be in the wedding and attend and want to celebrate big. We sure are going to have fun.

Soooo, what are the boys wearing?

Discussion: What of the color meanings above, do you think best describe you both? How will you use those colors in the wedding and reception?

Prayer: Creator God, you have painted the sky in breathtaking ways over and over again when the sun rises and sets. How appropriate that this occasion should have the sun setting on this couple's singleness and rising on their new life together. May you be glorified in it all. In Jesus, Amen.

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