Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Taking the Guess Work Out

I love when you and Kayla post what you want on Pinterest. It is so helpful for people like me who are clueless as to what to get as gifts for people. To me, Pinterest "Want Lists" are the Gift Registries for the non-engaged. Which is why I always say "post wisely" when you're on there and update often. I've just recently created my own Wish List board since I see how helpful they are.

I was tickled to hear you and Rob had began wedding gift registry lists (Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond, thus far). It will eliminate guess work in the gift hunt for your needs as newlyweds and with regards to colors, patterns, brand in the gift details.

It was Marshall Fields in Chicago that apparently started the first gift registry in the 1920s and Target which put it online in the 1990s. No longer would newlyweds receive three blenders and four gravy boats. Once those purchases were made, the lists were updated. Of course, not everyone updates the list, so count on a few doubles. And don't count on everyone sticking to the list either. Daddy and I got two ice buckets and we never even asked for one. Praise God for the folks who give you gift cards so you can get what you need. But I will say, if it wasn't for the wedding registry, I doubt your Daddy and I would have the china and crystal sets we have. We could have never afforded it. And they are items that we not only cherish, but use often.

I don't think you've totally completed your lists yet, so I would say pick durable, high quality items. Now that doesn't necessary translate to more expensive, so keep that in mind. Do your research. Know that you will use these gifts either forever (china) or until they die (towels, sheets, toaster) so you want things that will last. You may get upwards of 20 years out of some gifts, so choose wisely. Go room-by-room through your home to see what you really need. If people call to ask you want you specifically want, don't hesitate to have a list of items at hand to help them out. Remember that many folks are traveling great distances to come to the wedding, therefore their attendance at the event may for some be all the gift they can give.

"Ask and you shall receive." (Matt. 7:7) That is God's advice in prayer. And in this instance, works as well. Even God tells us what He wants from us in his Bible Gift Registry of sorts: in Psalm 51:17 "The sacrifice acceptable to God is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise."  1 Chronicles 16:28 says, "Bring your offering and come to worship Him." and Psalm 116:12-14 says, "What shall I return to the Lord for all his bounty to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord, I will pay my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people." Romans 12:1 tells us, "I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship." So now you know exactly what you can give God ... a humble spirit, your offering, sharing Christ's salvation with others, praying, being faithful and giving yourself completely to Him.

See, isn't it nice to not have to guess in the gifting?

Discussion: Have you gone through your home to see what you need? What is something you really hope you receive from the wedding or showers? What advice have you gotten from newlyweds about gifts?

Prayer: Our Father, how blessed Rob and Ayla will be by the souls how come to the wedding, and doubly blessed by any gifts they will receive. We thank you, Father, for the guidance you provide and the greatest gift of all in Jesus. Amen.

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