Friday, January 23, 2015


Last night, Gaga showed me an old white photo album with black construction paper pages. She asked me if I wanted it. Inside was a bunch of square-shaped, color photos, some faded with age, all tacked to the page by tiny mounting corners. They were pictures of my Mom and Dad's wedding and honeymoon. Precious photos of a bride who looked a little nervous; of a young crew-cut groom with the hugest smile; and then pictures of the two of them exploring New York City and Cape Cod together. They looked like they were having so much fun. So much anticipation and excitement for the adventure ahead.

I asked Gaga if she had any advice for you both in marriage and this is what she said, "I would say that trustworthiness is the number one priority. It's the most important thing. I had so much confidence in my vows. That is how I meant it to be. The commitment to those vows and to the Lord would fill me with tears knowing how much I wanted to be faithful to them. It was the same way I felt at each of you kid's christenings, making those vows to God about raising you to love Him and trusting He would always be there for you and would teach me to raise you. That trust is so important. To me trust in a marriage is the same as trusting in the Lord."

God never breaks promises. Ever. Everything He promised in Scripture He has made good on (or is yet to come). He promised He would never leave us or forsake us. He promised to redeem us. He promised to make our paths straight. He promised to send us the Holy Spirit. We have trusted in Him and He is faithful.

Trust is an important element in marriage. Husbands and wives trust that they will remain committed to the vows they make on their wedding day. And the reason they trust in them is because those vows are made before the Creator of the Universe. If the Creator does not go back on His promises, then we, as His obedient children are commanded to do likewise. It's what proves we are His.

Be honest with each other. Communicate. Stay obedient to the Father. Do not under any circumstance trust yourself. If you trust yourself, you will  most certainly fail. Scripture says in Proverbs 28:26, "He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe." Trust in the wisdom of the Lord. Trust in His Word. And be obedient to it ... to love and to cherish from that day forward till death do you part.

Discussion: How important is trust to you both? Do you feel you can trust each other to be obedient to the Lord? How rock solid are marriage vows to you both?

Prayer: We thank you, Father, that You are trustworthy. We thank You for Your Law. Lord, help us to remain trustworthy. We love you so much. In Jesus, Amen.

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