Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Today I am going to be back in the arms of your Daddy after seven days apart. Let me tell you, I can hardly wait. Maybe I am weirder than other wives, but I absolutely love to be with him and delight in every moment I can be (he would argue that doesn't include baseball games, but I truly even enjoy that just to be with him). There is something about just being with him that makes my whole day brighter. And he knows it. He asked before I left for Pennsylvania, "Are you going to be okay being away from me that long?" And I answered, "nope" flat out. He doesn't mean it arrogantly, like "she just can't live without me by her," but because I have told him countless times how much I love to be with him. And we've mentioned here before about the importance of being together.

Now I am not saying that I don't enjoy time alone. I think everyone needs that. But I am so grateful to God that I still to this day get excited about being with Brad. And he makes me want to feel that way. Good gracious, he asks me all the time to marry him, why wouldn't I want to be with him? And being one flesh and all, being 16 hours away really pulls at that. Plus, with sex being such an important part of love, especially for a man, seven days without can be quite a long stretch (wink wink).

We pray you will throughout the years long to spend time together, enjoy those moments and strive to spend as little time as possible apart from each other. While they say absence makes the heart grow fonder, and perhaps it makes you remember how much you love one another when you are away from one another, it's still more fun to be together. I think it is as God intended us to be. (Sigh) I can't wait to see your Daddy.

Discussion: How do you both feel when you are apart? Do you think it's necessary to spend time together for fun each day? Why do you think it's important to spend time together?

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for instilling in us a desire to want to be together. And thank you for time apart that we appreciate each other and our time together. We love you, so much, Father. In Jesus, Amen.

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