Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A New Strategy

Monday night I defeated level 530 in Candy Crush. Laugh if you will that I'm even on level 530, showing my addiction to this crazy game. It was a tough level. There have been several levels where I have died over and over again - at one level for a whole month - without passing it. When I get to a level like this, I go to a website with tips on a better strategy for it. There are several sites to choose from. This particular time, I read one and stuck with its strategy for days, losing again and again. So Monday, I decided to check another site, which suggested a different strategy. I applied that instead and within about four tries, defeated the level soundly. I commented to Daddy, "You know, without the right strategy, you just go in circles, repeating the same mistakes over and over again, dying each time. It takes the right strategy to win." Then a lightbulb went off for me.

See at Reunion Group Monday, several of us were talking about friends or family we knew that were making bad choices, repeating unsuccessful behaviors because of addictions to drugs or alcohol. They would get sober, but in weakness would revert back to old habits and struggle once again. We all commented that we would continue in prayer for these folks and shook our heads at their choices, knowing they were aware it led to failure every time. When they use the wrong strategy, they continue going in circles, making the same mistakes over and over again. They needed a new strategy. And that strategy has to include Christ. Like me on Candy Crush - I could not defeat that level on my own. I needed help. With people making bad choices, it is the same. A heart change, a new strategy with God guiding, to defeat it.

Now this doesn't just go for addictions. It can work for poor eating, anger issues, unbalanced priorities and spiritual growth. Dr. Ben Carson shared in his autobiography that the only way he could defeat problems he had with a raging temper (after nearly stabbing a friend), was to lock himself in his bathroom with a Bible. He read in Proverbs 16:32, "Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city." It changed his life. He realized he was making everything about him. When he took himself out of the situation, he saw it more clearly. He said he has never lost his temper since. He changed his strategy and defeated it.

You will face challenges throughout your marriage and life, whether personal struggles or between the two of you. If you are finding that you are making the same mistakes over and over again, without getting different or successful results, change your strategy. First of all, check your heart. Are you right with God? Do you need forgiveness in an area or to offer it to another? Ask the Father to give you guidance and bury your head in your Bible searching for answers. Then, make the changes necessary with your new strategy, God at the helm, and defeat it. Mark 10:27 says, "Jesus looked at them and said, “For mortals it is impossible, but not for God; for with God all things are possible.”

Dying over and over again in Candy Crush is not fun. Success will get you a "Wahoo!" and a new level, a chance to be better, and smarter for it. Repeated poor behaviors will continue to lead to failure and destruction. Relying on the Father and obeying His teachings will lead to success, take you to new levels and a chance to be better and smarter for it. 

Who'd have thought Candy Crush could be a Biblical analogy? Think I'll go play a few more levels and learn something new ... or it is a priority and behavior I need to change? Hmmm.

Discussion: Do you know of someone who is going in circles with bad behaviors? Can you think of behaviors or choices that repeatedly are not getting you anywhere? Have you defeated past behaviors or choices with God's help?

Prayer: Father, when we see that something is not working, open our eyes to it, that we may make changes and be the better for it. We thank you in advance for the work you do in us to help us conform to the image of Christ. It is in His name we pray, Amen.

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