Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Take Care

When Ayla was little she was not the biggest snuggler. She would sit to hear a story, but then she was up and running again, things to do. But when she was sick, then she wanted to snuggle. And because she was sick, she wouldn't jump up and take off running again. She just let us hold her. While I never liked seeing my kids sick, and honestly it was quite rare that they were, I did enjoy the snuggle time when they weren't feeling well. Gave me more time to hold them.

With Ayla's wisdom teeth out on Monday, it reminded me of those times. It's hard for a mama to hear her daughter moan in pain on the phone, not be able to talk cause her mouth is full of gauze and then sound loopy on top of that. I told your Daddy, it's like someone strips the cover off your heart. You are aching because you are not there to care for your child. Yes, my child is a 24-year-old adult, but still my child nonetheless. I had two bits of solace: 1) the phone call from Ayla in her yet drug-induced slurred speech asking me to pray for her and 2) knowing that Rob was taking care of her.

We both commented that we were interested in seeing how Rob would do in that capacity. Would he care for our daughter the way we would if she was sick and here at home? Sounds like he did: called us and put us on speaker phone so we could hear how she was; got her prescriptions; helped her up the three flights of stairs to her apartment; was quiet while she slept; made her smoothies. We both breathed a sigh of relief. She was in good hands.

That is what your Daddy and I want for you both: to care for each other. To comfort each other in sickness and pain; to meet the needs that you may not be able to meet on your own; to go out of your way to do for each other in unexpected, precious ways. Caring is the the outward active way to show how much you love someone. Providing that safe haven and place of comfort will give you both security and peace.

However, we also recommend snuggling even when you're not sick.

Discussion: When you are sick, what brings you comfort? What ways have you shown each other you care?

Prayer: Lord, being sick or in a time of recovery isn't easy, so Father we pray we do everything in our power to help out our loved one during a time like that. But we pray we show our caring for one another other times as well. Helps us to find sweet ways to show we care each and every day. In Jesus, Amen.

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