Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Mind If I Move In Closer

Growing up, my family had fondue on Christmas Eve, went to church and typically opened one gift on Christmas Eve. Daddy's family opened all their presents on Christmas Eve then went to Midnight Mass. Our immediate family has all kinds of Christmas Eve traditions. We have cheese fondue and Polish sausage supper. We go to church for candlelight worship. We watch a Christmas movie. And we open Christmas Eve pajamas. But there is one other Christmas Eve tradition that your Daddy and I have had since that first year of marriage, one that will make some folks blush. We bought each other some sexy lingerie and, well, let it lead the way to a sweet night under the Christmas tree lights. Christmas Eve is a holy night, and we believe this was something special, pure, loving and holy between just the two of us given by our Father who created it. We did this every single year, even after you kids came along. We'd get all those presents wrapped and under the tree and then have our own Merry Christmas. Sometimes while visiting family out of town or having family visit us, we had to get a little more creative in carving out this time, but we made it work every year.

The reason we are sharing that with you is because amidst the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, it is easy to lose those sweet romantic moments. We decided early on that we would save that Silent Night as a time just for us. We don't want to delve too deeply into this, nor would we suggest you both have a similar tradition after you are married (unless of course you want to). It's just something we did, loved, looked forward to and have cherished the memories of all these years later.

You will create your own Christmas Eve traditions. They will be sweet and unique to you and your family. We pray you make beautiful memories together as you celebrate the birth of Savior, Emmanuel.

Discussion: Tell about your favorite Christmas Eve traditions. What is something you both might like to try as traditions for your family next year?

Prayer: Father, oh that we could have visited that manger 2,000+ years ago to worship the newborn King. We thank you for sending Him to us. May everyone fall on their knees this Holy Night to give you thanks and glory. In Jesus name, Amen.

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