Sunday, December 7, 2014

Simply Irresistable

Brad has gorgeous big, blue eyes. He's an amazing tan year round. His legs are long and muscular. I could go on, but suffice it to say he is a truly sexy guy. I would love to watch him play sports cause I could get to watch him flex all those muscles. But let me tell you something, there is nothing sexier than a man on his knees in prayer to the Father. Hands down. And when that man is your husband, wow. I think it's because men have been taught to be so tough, in control of everything and even braggarts when it comes to one-upmanship with other men, that when you see one humbling themselves before the Almighty, it's beautiful to behold. What woman wouldn't be attracted to the man who realizes Who is the most important in this world and loves Him desperately, a man who goes to the Creator for advice and guidance, for forgiveness and praises Him. I remember the first time I caught Brad praying on his knees. It took my breath away.

We bring this up because we want you both to know that. For Rob to know how amazing and reassuring it is to a wife to know her husband is going to the Father regularly and for Ayla to look on that petitioning and worship time as sacred and, well, sexy. If people would ask me today what I find attractive about my husband, his bowing before the Great I Am is at the top of the list, even with all his many other obviously qualities.

The Master is at work, and Brad says, we need to go to Him continually to make sure we are aligning ourselves to His will: "As a man, the whole point is for you to be the spiritual leader of your house. If men do not go to him, they're not leaders at all. There is nothing you can ever do that will every justify you being right by your family if you don't go to Him. You want to do what's right, you want to be in charge ... you give it to to God."

Brad says every man should have two books by their bedside: the Bible and The Resolution For Men. Between the two, he says, those two books teach men how to be Godly leaders. Brad has read many books on leadership, fatherhood, marriage and the like to learn all he could about what God requires of him, and of all of them, those two books above are his go to books. He has handed out probably 100 copies of the book The Resolution For Men, because he believes that much in its ability to educate men about their responsibilities. And keeping God at the forefront is number one.

So Rob, pray. Often. And both of you, remember, it's not the physique, the clothes, the hair, the cologne, the voice or the swagger. Nope, it's the acknowledgment of Who is King and submission to His direction that will be irresistible. Trust us. (wink, wink).

Discussion: What do you find attractive about each other? Have you ever caught each other in prayer? What books have you read to learn about being a leader? Have you read The Resolution for Men?

Prayer: Lord, it is important for a man to know what his responsibilities are to his wife and family. We pray, Father, that Rob always remembers where to go for advice and direction, humbling himself before you. We pray Ayla sees the beauty in those moments. We love you, Lord. In Christ, Amen.

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