Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Muskrat Love

Anton's girlfriend, Kayla, took a Facebook survey today to see which Disney Princess wedding gown would be right for her. She got Ellie from the movie Up. The description went on to explain why that dress was right for her. As she began to explain it to Anton, he interrupted her and said, "Ellie was the adventurer, right? So that makes you an adventurer!" She tried to finish what she was saying but he interrupted her again and didn't let her finish. She couldn't get to the point she wanted to share which was, "You’re not into frills or anything over the top, which is why Ellie’s dress is perfect for you. There’s a beauty in its simplicity, and you know the most important thing on your wedding day is not what you wear, but who you will be spending your adventure through life with." Since he kept talking and wouldn't let her share it, she shouted, "Muskrat!"

Now that may sound like a strange thing to mutter in the middle of this moment, but it got Tone to instantly be quiet, let it go and let her speak. Apparently Kayla had shared a story with Anton recently about her grandmother, Nana, and her step-grandfather, Mr. Harold, who have this code word for when to drop what is being discussed or argued about and truly listen to one another. That word is "Muskrat." We have another friend that uses the same method in her marriage when discussions get slightly off kilter. They have a code word as well to kind of center themselves.

Your Daddy and I do not have a code word, but when hearing this story from Kayla we thought it might be something good to not only try but to share with you both. That would indicate in a loving way to each other that you need to be better listeners, back off a bit and try again in love. The word, of course, doesn't have to be "Muskrat." You can pick any word you want. We giggled when we heard the word muskrat because I reminded us of the Captain and Tennille song "Muskrat Love" from 1976 about two muskrats that get engaged after doing the Jitterbug. (Yeah, you'll have to google it.) We are still picking our word.

It may just be a wonderful way for the two of you to center your communication. Give it a whirl. Secret code words between couples are pretty precious anyways.

Discussion: Do you think a code word would help you both in arguments or discussion that take a wrong turn? What would be a good code word for you both?

Prayer: Lord God, sometimes in communicating the subject at hand gets lost in the discussion. We pray first and foremost that we are good listeners and are patient with one another. We love you, Father. In Jesus, Amen.

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