Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Joy Jar

I got our family a Joy Jar two days ago at Target. I have always wanted to get one after hearing about Ayla's years ago, but just never got around to it. So I finally found us a jar in the Christmas discount bin, slapped a label on it and now we're ready for 2015.

Not sure if the Joy Jar was Ayla's idea or if she found it somewhere, but she started it right after she moved to Rhode Island. She faced many challenges in that first year there, and used the Joy Jar as a way of being more positive about her circumstances. She would write about things that made her happy, successes and sweet memories with the date the event took place and put that piece of paper in the Joy Jar. Then at the end of the year on New Year's Eve, read through all the pieces of paper to reminisce about the joy. Some folks do a Thankfulness Jar and put things they are thankful for and then read them at Thanksgiving. Either way it's a precious reminder of the good things in 365 days.

When we went to visit her at graduation in 2013, I sat and read the items in her Joy Jar. We giggled because between my aging vision and Ayla's handwriting on some of the slips, I misread many of her joys. Apparently when packing her for her move to Bar Harbor, the jar didn't fit in a storage box, so we took out the slips of paper and tossed the jar. Ayla said she hasn't found a jar like it since, so therefore hasn't utilized her Joy Jar.

Brad and I are going to do the Joy Jar in 2015. And we anticipate much joy in the new year ... including a wedding in October. Perhaps it's time for Ayla to find another jar to fill. I think it better be a big one. Wishing you both a blessed, joy-filled 2015. Happy New Year!

Discussion: Would you both like to utilize a Joy Jar in the new year? What are some joys you've experienced in 2014?

Prayer: Glorious Father, we thank you for 2014. So much joy this year! Beach trips, an engagement, Brad became a pastor, he got a hole in one, I moved to the Going Home Show on The River, Ayla got a new job and new apartment. Such blessings and we thank you for them. We thank you for all the joys in Rob and Ayla's life and pray that 2015 is filled with even more joy. We love you, Lord. May we glorify you in all we do next year. In Jesus, Amen.

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