Monday, December 8, 2014

Blunders & Bloopers

Recently a friend posted a video of a couple exchanging vows at their ceremony. The pastor asked the groom to repeat after him. He got to the part "to be my lawfully wedded wife" and the groom accidentally said, "to be my waff, lawfully..." He caught him self and then added, "and pancaky" setting his bride into a fit of giggles. He commented to the congregation "I've been scared of this my whole life" then asked the folks to give his bride a minute to to collect herself from all the laughing. It was cute, precious and priceless. I looked up that video recently and noticed it had been viewed nearly 7 million times. What was an innocent slip of the tongue - an error in the planned perfect wedding, if you will - ended up being a hilarious memory of their wedding. (You can see it here.)

There are videos that show the most epic wedding fails ever. Many are cake-tastrophies where the cake falls, is knocked over or dropped. Others are photo blunders, like the bride and groom getting wiped out by waves on a beach during a photo shoot. Several groomsmen pants fall to the ground in come clips, and in another a bride steps on the hem of her dress, tearing the bottom half off completely. (Lesson there - make sure you have on appropriate undergarments!) 

At our reception, our cake had a row of candles that climbed up the layers to the top where a beautiful bouquet sat. Right after Daddy and I cut the cake, the top candle set the bouquet on fire! It was put out pretty fast, thankfully. Again, an unfortunate event in an otherwise perfectly planned wedding.

Something will inevitably go wrong. You will work very hard to make sure all the pieces for the wedding are in place, hoping that all will be perfect, but we guarantee you something may not go just as you planned. Aside from a tragedy, the minor blunder or error, we hope, will be something you can giggle about and won't interfere with your celebration. Part of it will be to not take everything too seriously. I mean, the ceremony and reception are put on by humans, so there are going to be mistakes.

My father always says, "Expect the best, but prepare for the worst." That way if anything does go awry, you will be mentally prepared at least. And you can't possibly anticipate what could go wrong, but if you remember to proceed in grace, you should be okay.

We just hope you can relax and enjoy the day in spite of any slip ups. And pray the memories of the day will be sweet ones!

Discussion: Do you know of any wedding blunders? Ask your friends who've married recently if anything went wrong at their wedding. Is there anything you are worried about going wrong during your special day? How can you prevent or prepare for it?

Prayer: Father, we want the wedding on Oct. 16, 2015 to be perfect from beginning to end, but know realistically things could go wrong. We ask for grace to handle the day as it comes, but do pray for your blessing on every moment in it. In Jesus, Amen.

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