Saturday, December 13, 2014

Moments and Memories

Last night we had our Christmas Caroling Campfire. It was a lot of fun. We had 40 people show up. Of those who RSVPed, 20 did not come (those who called and cancelled did so mostly for illness). We, of course, planned for the number that RSVPed, so we had quite a bit of leftover food. Much time, work and money went into our campfire party as it does every year from raking the yard free of acorns, cutting firewood and kindling, stirring gallons of cocoa, hanging lights, purchasing food and paper products, setting up tables, making caroling cards and signage and cleaning the house before and after. But what it comes down to is the comradery. The fellowship with everyone is the best part. The singing, visiting, sharing food and hand prints on the wall. Those are the bits folks will remember. Not the tinsel-and-ornament-covered fig tree or 70 hot dogs, but just having fun.

We want you both to remember that when you are wedding planning. We know you are already on a tight budget, but remember what the event is all about. You are getting married, convenantly joining before the Father and then celebrating with friends. So do what you need to do to make that happen, but don't knock yourself out with excess or worry about the small stuff. It is going to be a blessed celebration no matter what you do and no matter who comes. There will be worship. There will be sweetness. There will be laughter. There will be great memories.

So pray for God's guidance in preparation for everything. Do you need this or that? What will make this day special for you? What will just be unnecessary excess? Remember what the event is all about and just enjoy the process of getting it there. Then there will be true joy before, during and after the wedding. And God will be glorified.

Discussion: Make a list of the needs and wants for your wedding. What are some of the wants that may not be feasible? What kinds of memories do you want to have from your special day? What memories do you want people to leave the wedding with?

Prayer: Lord, getting caught up it wedding preparation and saving financially can be stressful and even take our focus off the true reason for this ceremony, which is to make a promise before you and family and friends. Father, we pray that you will guide us all as we work to meet the needs and perhaps even some wants for this special day. May you be glorified in it all. We love you. In the sweet name of Jesus, Amen.

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