Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Seasons of Marriage

I spent several hours Sunday raking leaves. There were thousands of them, plus gazillions of tiny acorns. Raking is part of autumn like mowing is part of summer when you are a home owner. Each season brings joys and challenges. When Brad and I were talking about the seasons, it got us thinking about the seasons in our marriage.

We remembered the spring of our marriage. Everything was exciting, fresh and new. We had boundless energy, went on adventures just the two of us, enjoyed our first home together, began new traditions and made couples friends and enjoyed visiting with them. We were newlyweds and loving it.

Then began the summer of our marriage. We had two sweet babies that kept us busy, watching the world through their eyes, teaching them all we could and exploring new places. Our priorities, entertainment and time alone all changed. Our careers evolved, with Brad progressing in different avenues within sports journalism, and me tackling stay-at-home motherhood and freelance work. Our lives balanced the schedules of four people and their various church and school activities. At the end of these summer years, our children grew up and moved out heading to college to begin lives of their own.

Thus began the autumn of our marriage. Emptynesters enjoying the "just the two of us" time while missing the laughter and company of our family. Our jobs have changed again as we journey towards Christ, utilizing our spiritual gifts in new ways, me for awhile as worship leader and continuing as a DJ on Christian radio and Brad now as pastor in addition to his new position as consumer experience manager at the newspaper. We don't worry about anyone's schedule but our own. And we've welcomed new folks into our family as our children have found special someones.

We imagine the winter of our marriage will begin sometime after the grandchildren arrive. We only have examples of others who've gone before us to see what lies ahead for us in that season of our marriage.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says: "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:"  We want you to embrace each season. To be wide-eyed and innocent with the new experiences ahead and wise and faithful in the challenges. We mostly want you to have joy in the journey. And if you have questions about any of it as you go, we will be glad to share any advice based on our experiences as you get there and if you ask for it. In the meantime, get ready for spring!

Discussion: What do you anticipate happening in each season of your marriage? Is there any season you hope to push off as long as possible? Is there one you are looking forward to?

Prayer: Lord we thank you for the seasons of life and marriage as we journey every closer to you. Thank you for the experiences we've had and lessons we've learned along the way. Lord we pray for these sweet ones as they get ready to embark on the spring of their marriage next year. May it be filled with opportunities to love and share you. In Jesus, Amen.

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