Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Service of Christian Marriage

Recently when Kayla and her mom came to worship at our church, the first thing they did was both grab a hymnal. They wanted to see the "Service of Christian Marriage" and how it was done in the Methodist church. This is just after they were checking out the very same thing in their Lutheran church recently. I didn't even know something like that was in the hymnal. So I decided to check it out myself. In there is an order of worship. So I thought I'd do a little research as to what exactly is to be part of the wedding service.

1) Gathering - when all the guests arrive, typically to instrumental or vocal music. Oftentimes the groomsmen are ushers at a wedding or other close male friends or relatives can help.

2) Processional - after all the guests have been seated, the bridal party comes in. The groomsmen from the front and the bridesmaids from the back. The bride then comes in with her escort(s), usually her father.

3) Greeting - the pastor welcomes the people.

4) Declaration of Intent - the officiant then asks who gives the woman to be married. Then he/she asks the bride and groom to declare their intentions to enter into a union with one another through Jesus Christ.

5) Response - the congregation is then asked to bless, uphold and care for this couple in their marriage.

6) Scripture - friends or family will read Bible passages selected by either the pastor or bride and groom.

7) Message - the pastor will give a sermon, not typically very long, but usually personalized to the couple.

8) Vows - the couple recite their vows in the name of God.

9) Exchanging of Rings - Rings are blessed and placed on the bride's and groom's finger.

10) Blessing - a prayer over the newly married couple. Sometimes couples will add a unity candle, cross or sand. If Holy Communion is celebrated it will be done here. Sometimes special music will take place at this time.

11) Declaration of Marriage - The couple holds hands then the pastor announces they are husband and wife ending with something like "Those whom God has joined together, let no one put asunder."

12) Kiss - the couple seal the deal.

13) Going Forth - a benediction is said and the couple is then introduced for the very first time as Mr. and Mrs.

14) Recessional - everyone exits.

That is the general order of worship. You can add different touches, personalize vows and such, but that is pretty much the order. The Bible likes things to be done "decently and in order" (1 Corinthians 14:40) and this is a good, basic order. Remember, this is not just a contract ceremony - it's a worship service, designed to bring glory to the Father. Have fun making it unique and precious to you. We pray it will be a wonderful memory for you.

Discussion: As a couple, what elements do you want to incorporate as part of your wedding ceremony? What unique touches do you want to add (songs, Scripture, unity symbols, etc)?

Prayer: Lord, you are the King of these couples and this world. This ceremony is not just about bringing two people together in matrimony, but about worshiping You, the Creator of marriage. May You be glorified! In Jesus, Amen.

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