Thursday, April 16, 2015

Compassion in Jesus Name

Daddy and I just recently got a letter from our Compassion International Child, Josselin Tatiana. She is 14 years old and just lovely. Her letters are always short and to the point. She shares about what she is doing in school, her dreams, her love for God and that she prays for all of us. She sent us "brazos y besos" (hugs and kisses) this time. I always enjoy hearing from her. Her letter from March 1 was precious in that she mentioned Ayla's wedding and how she wishes she could come to it and how happy she is for you. It is always so sweet to hear from this little girl who lives more than 2,400 miles from us in Ecuador. She came into our lives in 2011, so it is precious to watch her grow up. She told us recently that she wants to be in fashion or interior design when she grows up and asked if we thought she could do a ministry for the Lord, to which we responded,  "Yes, yes yes!" Praising God that this little girl, whom we've never met and may never meet, is in our lives.
If you ever have the opportunity to sponsor a child like this through Compassion International or World Vision, do it. It's $38 per month and what it does for these children is just amazing, giving them an education, clothes, food and lessons about Jesus. It even helps their families. For years your Daddy and I talked about sponsoring a child, but always thought it would be too much financially for us to handle. Daddy found Tatiana for us and surprised me for Christmas in 2011. Best gift ever. Let me tell you, if you ever question whether or not you can afford something like this the answer is yes. Because our Father will give back to you doubly for any cheerful giving of the heart that you do. He blesses us to help others. It's what he wants and commands. So open your heart and hand to sweet little ones around the world that need you. Make it a habit as soon as you can. And keep in touch with them, encourage them, love and pray for them. It will enrich your life in ways you can't even imagine.

Compassion Sunday is April 26. Check out the children at and see if God is calling you to sponsor a child in His name.

Discussion: Have you ever thought about sponsoring a child? What are some ways you can give and do for the poor in our world?

Prayer: Lord God, you tell us to care for the "least of these." We ask for Your blessing on the hungry and hurting children of this world and on any efforts we make to help them in Your name. May they come to know and love You. In Jesus, Amen.

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