Sunday, April 19, 2015

With Passion

 I really enjoy a series on AMC called "Turn." It is a show based on the spy ring George Washington created during the Revolutionary War. This show, of course, takes liberties with the true account. I am currently reading a book that tells the true story called "Washington's Secret Six." It is fascinating to read about these individuals living their daily lives while yet spying on the British and trying to get that information to the Patriots. Several died in their attempts to get that information to General Washington. It's fascinating to read about folks who were so passionate in their belief that America should be free that they would put their lives in danger to achieve it.

I am also watching a miniseries on TV called "A.D: The Bible Continues" about what happened to the disciples after Christ rose from the dead. Like Washington's secret six, the disciples risked their lives to get the information out that Christ alone provided the freedom each man seeks. Many of those disciples lost their lives in the attempt to get that information out. Imagine having that kind of passion. Yet, isn't that what we are required to do as Christians?

After seeing the risen Christ, the disciples knew people needed to have this information: that Christ died for them that they might have eternity with God. And they spread out all over the world to do that. That is our responsibility as well. We need to dedicate our lives to it. Wherever the Lord has place or sent us, that is our mission field. That is where we are called to share the good news. Is there any better news? Is there anything you have to tell the people around you that could possibly compare with this Gospel?

Both of my children have betrothed themselves to others, making them no longer single missionaries, but a team working for Christ. If you remember that your first love is God, your first job is sharing Christ, then you will be a powerhouse of a team for Him. One day God will ask, "What have you done for me? How have you grown the Kingdom of God?" Look around you at the people he has put in your path. Not all of them know Jesus. If you saw them drowning around you, you would throw them a life preserver, right? That's what the gospel is: an eternal life preserver.

As Brad left for work the other day he said as he walked out the door, "We have so much more to do yet for God. He has a plan for us." Yes, indeed, for all of us. So much more to do ... do it with passion.

Discussion: Who do you see around you that needs to hear about the saving grace of Christ? Do you have the passion to share the Good News with people around you?

Prayer: Oh Father, that we would all, as Christians, do everything in our power to make sure the news of your son Jesus Christ would get to all who need to hear it! Instill in us a passion to spread this Good News. In Jesus, Amen.

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