Monday, April 13, 2015

Request The Honor Of Your Presence

Now that the Save the Dates have gone out, Ayla and Rob are in the process of searching for the perfect wedding invitation. They want one that reflects the theme and colors of their wedding, incorporates their personalities and is, of course, informative about the event, location, times, etc. In our day, invitations were pretty simple - white with words printed in the color of your event. We had RSVP cards with self-addressed stamped envelopes included and the ever present tissue paper (not quite sure what that was for). Nowadays, invitations are original and clever, depending on how much money you want to sink into them. I've seen invitations sent in bottles, engraved in wood, in a hardback book, as a box of chocolates, in a viewfinder and many more. And RSVP cards are not mandatory as people can respond via the couple's website. So there are all kinds of ways to invite folks to the wedding.

But if you want to know what you need to have on your invites, here's the scoop:
  • The name of the hosts of the wedding goes at the top
  • Date, day, time and location
  • If there is a reception, indicate as such
  • How to RSVP - card or online?
You can also include your information on your website, attire, maps, accommodations and menu choices for the reception.

You don't have to spell out everything ("two thousand fifteen") just as long as everything is consistent with words, numbers and abbreviations. You can "request the honor of your presence" or "invite you to the celebration of the marriage" or "request the pleasure of your company" ... whatever you like.

As for how to address them:
  • Mr. and Mrs. for married couples. If their family is included ... "and family."
  • For singles: Miss So-And-So and Guest
  • For couples you know who aren't married, one after the other with an ampersand or stack the names.
Depending on the guest, you can also include activity information with the invitation such as - rehearsal dinner, bridal tea, farewell brunch or gift opening.

Keep in mind that if you have an invitation that is extra large, square or contains any envelope embellishments, you will need to pay extra postage.

Praying as you make your decision!

Discussion: What are some ideas you have for your invitations? What is important to be included?

Prayer: Father, you already know what the invitations will look like and who all will come. We give you glory and thank you in advance for all your blessings and the sweet souls who will participate! In Jesus, Amen.

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