Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Treasuring Your Treasures

I try to remember to do it every Sunday morning ... clean my diamond engagement ring, that is. Throughout the week it gets cloudier and cloudier as it gets covered in hand lotions, dirt and the like. A good cleaning once a week gives it that sparkle I loved the first time I saw it. Since it is a symbol of the promise to marry and later the vow of marriage, it deserves all the special care it can get.

I wanted to do a little research to see what was the best way to keep those diamond rings and wedding bands looking as beautiful as the day they were bought. This is the most important piece of jewelry you will ever wear, so it's important to take good care of it. So here are some tips.

Cleaning: Are you ready to learn what the best cleaner is for wedding rings? Dishwashing soap. Not even kidding. Squirt a little in a cup of water, let it soak and use a toothbrush to clean it. No need to buy separate jewelry cleaners. However, those work just as well. You can also use one part ammonia or ethyl alcohol to one part water (or window cleaner) to soak your ring in to clean. I read Elizabeth Taylor soaked her diamonds in water and gin or that vodka works. What ever's handy! You can also use an ultrasonic cleaner. And your jeweler can give it a good cleaning as well.

Maintenance: Have your prongs checked periodically to make sure your diamond is secure. I had to have the prongs on my diamond replaced for the first time three years ago, so that was 25 years without incident. A good way to check if the prongs on your ring need replaced it to attempt to slide a piece of paper under them. It if can get through, get it to the jeweler as soon as possible. You don't want to lose your diamond. Some sites suggest having your ring checked once a year.

Safe place: If you ever take off your ring, have a safe place to keep it, especially if where you take it off is near a sink. Some folks take off their rings every night. I heard someone once say she read sheets could loosen your diamond ... um, no, not possible. But if you're using chemicals to clean and you aren't wearing gloves or digging your hands into something you don't want all over ring (for example when mixing ground beef with your hands for meatloaf), you want to have a safe location to keep your ring. I have a tiny heart shaped box on my kitchen counter that is there to specifically hold my rings when I have work to do. I know I got both Ayla and Kayla ring holders. Remember that a diamond is the hardest substance, so anything you store with it could get scratched. Also with regards to a safe place, if you have an occupation where you can't wear a ring on your hand, you may want to consider a necklace where you can loop through it to wear. There are little heart clasps Kayla told me about where you can hook your ring. By the way, when you ladies get pregnant, that will come in handy if your hand swells larger than your ring size (mine went from a size 4.5 to a 6, so it does happen).

Insurance: I have read some sites saying that you should insure your ring. If it is of great value, then you might want to consider it. Some sites suggested adding a jewelry rider to your homeowners or renters insurance and others suggested getting separate jewelry insurance to cover theft, loss, damage or "mysterious disappearance." I have never had jewelry insurance, so that will have to be up to you.

I have read some sites suggest not wearing your rings while swimming or in the shower as your hand could shrink in the water and the ring come off. Never had that happen. Make sure your ring is the right fit to start with.

So that's it. Now none of this is going to bring you closer to Jesus (and no, "cleanliness is next to godliness" is not in the Bible). However you've got an investment in your rings, both financial and spiritual, so it's worth giving these treasures attention and protection.

Discussion: What are some ways you care for your ring? When do you think it's okay to take it off?

Prayer: Father, You tell us where our treasure is, there will your heart be also (Matthew 6:21). And Father, our rings are a sign of exactly where our heart it. We pray those rings stay right where they are on our left hand, so that all will know how much we treasure our marriages. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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