Thursday, April 30, 2015

Mr. and Mrs. Right

Grandpa Zimanek told this joke several times while at our house. I think he told it to everyone who came to visit: "I knew I married Mrs. Right. I just didn't know it was Mrs. Always Right." Chuckle, chuckle. You could just as easily swap that for Mr. Right. Seems we've heard a lot of marriages where one or the other of the spouses needs to always be right. My friend, Joanna said one time she listened as her son complained about something he felt he was correct about with regards to his girlfriend, Nicole. "I'm right, I'm right, I know I'm right," he said. Her response to him was, "What's more important: you being right or you being with Nicole?" Both of you will have times when you think you are right - and sometimes you both can be right depending on the interpretation - but being right is not the most important thing and honestly the satisfaction of being so is hardly worth it.

You will have disagreements throughout your relationship where one of you will think you are correct - perhaps even know you are correct - but if you've reached an impass, you might need to ask yourself how important it is to be right. And of course we would always say, stop the disagreement right in its tracks and pray right there. It takes the edge off and Satan out of the equation to allow you see and think more clearly and in line with Christ. Plus, God is always right, so it is wise to consult Him.

For the record - we think both of our children are marrying Mr. and Mrs. Right and we pray it lasts for always.

Discussion: Which of the two of you frequently thinks they are always right? What are somethings you can do to step back from the desire to insist on being right?

Prayer: Lord we are thankful that You are always right. Glory to You! Father, give us grace to step back from any strong arming to insist we are right and to remember to love in our discussions and  to be understanding of each other's opinion while the situation is sorted. Please guide our words and guard our tongues. In Jesus, Amen.

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