Thursday, April 2, 2015

A Visit With The Kids

During a phone chat with Aunt Jodi before Daddy's birthday, I commented that "the kids" - referring to Anton and Kayla - were coming to have supper, eat birthday cheesecake and play cards with us to celebrate his 50th birthday. Right after I said it, I added, "Guess I shouldn't call them kids since they are in their mid-20s now." Aunt Jodi commented that they would always be our "kids." "Heck, we're still kids for that matter," she added, "at least until there is no one left to call us kids."

That got me thinking. How true that is. My parents are no longer "kids" because there isn't anyone left to call them that. Same with Daddy's parents. And there will come a day when we, too, will no longer be someone's kids coming to visit. Really puts a damper on your whole aging process, let me tell you.

But there is One who will always call us kids, and that is the Father. To Him, we are forever His children. Romans 8:14 says, "For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God." Galatians 3:26 says, "So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith." 1 John 3:1 says, "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" Forever called to honor and obey Him. And since He is the coolest Father ever, it is pure delight to snuggle up to Him, inhale His wisdom and know without a doubt He's the great protector. What a place of assurance that is. Such peace, security, love and trust there. I wonder if when we are on our knees to pray to our Father, if He doesn't say to Christ, "Aw, cool, the kids are visiting today!" As a parent, let me tell you, to have that daily, if not multiple times per day, communication with your child is just sweet bliss,. I know He delights in it.

This day is a celebration of one of the greatest visits of God Incarnate with His children in the form of the Last Supper. The Bible tells us Jesus "eagerly desired" to celebrate it with His disciples (Luke 22:15). It was the last meal He was sharing with them before the dark day that lay ahead. In this visit they learned how to serve one another (John 13:14), that they should love one another as He loved them (John 13:34) and to always remember Him in partaking of the bread and wine ...the first Holy Communion (Luke 22:19). They even sang a hymn together (Mark 14:26). It was a good visit.

Visit God often. Go in prayer. Worship. Read the Word. Absorb all that He as your Perfect Parent has to offer you. And know - even when you are alone - that you are never truly. He is always there for you, loving, caring, holding you tight to Him. As your earthly parents, this gives usA Visit F such confidence and blessed assurance that you well looked after long after we're gone.

And don't hesitate to visit us often too. :)

Discussion: What do you think of being considered God's kids? Do you have peace about being cared and loved by Him? What are ways you can better "visit" Him?

Prayer: Thank you, Father, that you love us so very much as Your children, In the words of the hymnist Frances J. Crosby, thank you that we can be filled with Your goodness and lost in Your love. Glory to you, Father. We thank you for Christ and that first Holy Communion. Please keep a watchful eye on our young ones. We love them so much. In Your Son's name, Amen.

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