Friday, April 24, 2015

Do It Well

While preparing information for The River recently, I came across a site with the "best advice for graduates" based on commencement speeches given all over the country. All the advice was good, but one in particular intrigued me. It said, "Whatever you do, do it well." I think what it was saying is, you have unique talent, so do that the very best you can at accomplishing great things with it.

Looking at that from a Christian sense, this is likewise true. God has talented each of us with something(s) special, and He expects us to use it to His glory. Think about the parable Jesus shares about the talents in Matthew 25. The master entrusts his servants to care for his property while he's out and gives each a certain number of talents. The first two double what is entrusted to him. The last hides his talent and thus is reprimanded. God doesn't just expect us to use our talents. He expects us to expound upon them, grow the Kingdom, do great things. Hiding them makes those gifts pretty worthless.

Each of you has been gifted with certain talents. Some of you have leadership skills, some social, some mathematical, some organizational, some creative, some mechanical and so on. In your marriage one of you will be more skilled at one thing than the other. And what a beautiful thing that will be. It will allow each of you to shine at what you excel. What a wonderful team it will make you. If you know your spouse has a better gift for something you're tackling, give it to him/her. It will be far easier for them and will get done more efficiently and cost effectively. When you've been asked to help or accomplish something you are known to do better, embrace it. Don't look at it as a burden, but a blessing. For if God has gifted you with that talent, then step forward in faith to do your part.

We love seeing the different skill set, talents, knowledge and background each of you bring to your marriages. You will accomplish so much if you work together, support one another, continue to try to learn more and seek to do the very best you can at what you can do. So whatever you do, do it well!

Discussion: Talk to each other about what your strengths and weaknesses are with regards to certain skills and talents? How can you help each other? What are things you can do to improve what you already do well? How can you use those skills to further God's Kingdom?

Prayer: Father, we thank you for all you've entrusted us to do. We thank you for what makes each of us unique. Help us to appreciate those different talents and support each other in them. Continue, Lord, to make each couple a blessed team for You. In Jesus, Amen.

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