Friday, April 17, 2015

Can I Have Everyone's Attention?

Your Uncle Greg is hilarious. He has always been funny. He is quick witted, intelligent and super creative, which is a pretty fun combination. He has served as a DJ for weddings for years and after some begging has agreed to be master of ceremonies for Ayla and Rob's wedding. You couldn't pick a better guy. He knows and loves Ayla, he's fun and he's talented. So he will be great at moving the party along. While Ayla is providing her own playlist, to have someone like Uncle Greg to do the announcing is perfect.

So what does the master of ceremonies (MC or emcee) have to do announce exactly? Well, I thought I'd check that out to get a basic idea of what is needed. As Scripture tells us "all things should be done decently and in order" (1 Cor. 14:40), it's good to have a plan.

  • Before the wedding couple arrives, the DJ can explain about anything in the reception area: guest book, Selfie Station or Photo Booth, games, drinks, snack bar, etc. anything guests  will need to know ... including how to get the couple to kiss (clink glasses with silverware, sing a love song).
  • The DJ or MC will announce the wedding party and newlyweds as they come in. It's important to provide the announcer with phonetic spellings of everyone's name so they don't mispronounce names. At our wedding our DJ couldn't even say Zimanek, so that was a pretty funny.
  • Prayer. The DJ will introduce the person blessing the food at the reception ... or in Ayla's case, at the "feast and merriment." 
  • During dinner is the toast. The DJ will announce the best man who will take over mic duties.
  • After dinner, the cake is cut so people can have dessert. The DJ will ask for everyone's attention to get them to watch as the bride and groom cut the cake and feed each other.
  • Then it's time for the first dance as a married couple, bridal party dance, daddy/daughter and mother/son dance and any other special dances that needed announced.
  • After that, the emcee invites everyone out to the dance floor. Might be a good time to do a dance everyone loves to get them out there or an organized dance like the Hokey Pokey or a line dance.
  • After some dancing it's time for the bouquet and garter toss. The DJ will announce through that process.
  • Last call for drinks at the bar ... just in case there is a time limit or it turns into a cash bar.
  • If there is a Dollar Dance, that is explained.
  • The DJ's last job is announcing the newlyweds last dance and that they will be leaving. 
That's it. Of course, there may be other events that the couples come up with as the date approaches (like Daddy and his brothers singing ♫ Happy Wedding Day ♫) but above lists the basics.

So have fun planning your program order and deciding what music you want to use! It's sure going to be a fun party! And a very Happy Birthday to your Uncle Greg who is 45 years old today!

Discussion: Is there anything in particular that you want to be part of the reception that your announcer will need to know? What are things you absolutely do not want?

Prayer: Amazing Father God, we love you and thank you for your example that we do things decently and in order. And we thank you that Uncle Greg is planning on helping out during Rob and Ayla's wedding. We especially thank you for his life. In Jesus name, Amen.

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