Monday, April 20, 2015

Insurmountable Tasks

The picture at left is a binder filled with hard copies of every single post written thus far for this blog, Betrothed in Righteousness. As you can see, there are quite a lot. And this is only slightly half of the to-be-completed total. We have 179 more to go. When we first promised to write this daily blog about marriage and weddings, 365 didn't honestly sound like that many. I mean, seriously, how hard can it be? Well, let us tell you, it's quite a lot. And there are days when we wonder, will we possibly come up with six more months worth of posts? It sometimes seems like the most insurmountable task. But it will happen. Because it isn't us doing all the work. The Lord has control of this.

See every time we question whether or not there could possibly be anything else we could talk about, the Father through His Holy Spirit gives us another idea, puts us through a circumstance we can share and guides the words as they flow. It's a daily miracle to watch come together. And we give thanks and praise to Him for it.

We mention this because we want to you approach any seemly insurmountable task with the same approach. Not necessarily the "Go get 'em" approach. But rather the full dependence on the Lord. How is it possible to complete this? With God's help ...especially if it is something He has ordained that you complete. Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." So do them.

We are on the downslope of this project. You may be on the upslope of a project. Don't give up. Keep giving your all for God's glory. For us now, it's not "How will we complete this task of writing all 365 devotions in this blog," but rather, "What idea does He want us to pursue next? or even "What project will come after this?" We look forward to giving anything He asks of us our all.

Discussion: Tell of an example when God helped you miraculously complete something you questioned would satisfactorily come to completion? Are you in the process of completing some task?

Prayer: Father, we know that everything we do, we are to do for Your glory. When we approach projects that seem overwhelming, help us to seek Your guidance and wisdom for its completion. In Jesus, Amen.

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