Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Autumnal Equinox

Today is the first day of autumn. You know as beautiful as autumn is, I never looked forward to this season. Mostly because it meant winter was around the corner. I love spring and summer because I'm a naturally a cold person, so bring on the warm weather. And I just don't like to be cold. But we had a pretty hot summer, so I have to say I'm truly enjoying the coming of autumn. I think as I've aged, I've gotten a far better appreciation of each season. There is a purpose for every single one. And since Daddy and I are pretty much heading into the autumn of our lives, I think I'd better embrace it.

With autumn comes the gorgeous change in color, cooler nights and pumpkins. In the human body with the autumn season comes gray hair, wrinkles, the beginning of age spots, a change in metabolism, new aches each day and some sagging in areas that used to be ... well, not sagging. None of that sounds even remotely appealing to you at your young age. Honestly, it's not really appealing to us either. But it's the nature of things.

You young ones are in your summer. It's the prime of your lives. The world is fresh and beautiful and exciting and filled with new experiences and adventure, especially as you are about to marry and begin one of the greatest adventures. And you should delight in it as much as you can. A friend said to me recently about young marrieds, "Buy anything you want and go anywhere you want before you start having kids, because their needs will come before your wants after that." And there is truth in that. It costs a lot to raise children and for some folks causes them to set some limits for their sake. So it is a philosophy that works for many couples who choose to wait to start their families. Personally, we didn't do that because we couldn't have bought whatever we wanted or gone where ever we wanted anyways. And we didn't see our children as limiting. For us that was adventure! Regardless, this is the time to truly delight in your young, active and typically healthy bodies and make some wonderful memories.

You will see spring in your children and winter in your grandparents. Each season has so many blessings and brings so much joy - challenges, too. So truly embrace each as it comes ... in the calendar year as well. Breath in what God has created for your enjoyment. Delight in each change as it occurs. Worship Him for what He has designed as your environment. Pick apples, have campfires, select a pumpkin, examine fallen leaves, snuggle in a sweater as the temperature drops, collect pecans, catch a football and enjoy the autumn harvest. "To everything there is a season," Ecclesiastes 3:1 says. Now it's time for the autumnal equinox ... ironically and pleasantly, for us, in more ways then one.

Discussion: What is your favorite season? What do you love about fall? Name some people you know and love and say what season of their life they are in.

Prayer: We give you glory Father for every season of our year and our life. May we fully enjoy all your prepared for us and praise your name for being so gracious and generous with us. We thank you in Jesus name, Amen.

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