Monday, September 21, 2015

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You

My reunion group giggled every time it happened. "Will you marry me?" Brad's voice asked every time he texted me. I would look down at the phone and say, "Of course! I love you, pumpkin." I recorded his voice asking me to marry him because he asks all the time and I wanted to make it the notification sound for his texts to me. So several times each day, I get to hear Daddy propose. And it brings me so much joy. But it cracks people up around me. They'll look around wondering where the voice came from. Some people will say, "No, I'm already married, thank you." I've even been asked, "You and Brad aren't married?" Yes, we are very married, but he still asks me all the time. It's very reassuring to a wife of nearly 28 years to hear that her husband still would want to marry her all these years later.

Which brings me to my point. Marriage is about falling in love many times. You don't just fall in love once. You fall in love over and over again. It's a beautiful, blissful thing. When I tell you that I love your Daddy more now than I did when I first met him, it is absolutely true. I still get butterflies. I still ache when we are apart. I enjoy spending time with him. I still love to hold his hand, snuggle and gaze into his gorgeous big blue eyes. But the love is more intense, deeper, stronger and more powerful than it was when I first fell head over heels at the age of 18. All those feelings I had for him then have just intensified because I've seen the man he's become. I know the man of integrity he is. I know how he has matured spiritually. I know the depth of love he has not just for me and his children, but for all God's children. I've watched the work ethic I was so impressed with then, remain full throttle now. I've seen the skinny baby faced teen I met debonairly grow into this gorgeous graying man. After Facetiming with our daughter yesterday during her final wedding dress fitting, I was startled by the older looking face of mine looking back from the tiny window. "I almost didn't recognize me. I'm an old lady," I said to my husband, to which he quickly responded. "But you're my old lady." We both had a giggle. My favorite sound in the world is his heart beat. I love the way he smells. I love that I instantly warm up when I'm near him. I love that fit him perfectly when we hug. I love that he loves me, regardless of my faults. I love him. And every day I fall in love again.

That is the love we want for you. When you wake up in the morning, you look at the face on the pillow next to you and praise our God in heaven that you get to start off your day with that view. That you can't wait to go on a date with your beloved. That you ask yourself each day, "How can I make my spouse's day better?" That you feel every day you are a better you because God has brought this person into your life.

Our prayer is that you want to ask your spouse every single day if they would marry you. Because I know when I said yes to Brad all those years ago, it was one of the smartest decisions I ever made. So given the choice when he asks now, I say "yes, absolutely, most certainly, without a doubt, you bet, oh yeah" every single day. Make a conscience, proactive effort to not just stay in love, but fall in love over and over again. Be romantic, passionate and fun with one another. Make sure your beloved knows they truly are beloved. 1 Corinthians 13:8 tells us "Love never ends." Make sure it doesn't.

Discussion: In your engagement, what efforts do you go to to make sure your beloved knows you are in love with them. Tell of something your beloved has done recently that made you fall in love with them all over again.

Prayer: Lord God, we thank you for showing us what true love is. We thank you for bringing our beloved into our lives. We pray you inspire us to make sure our spouse knows without a shadow of doubt how much we love them. In the name of our sweet Savior we pray, Amen.

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