Saturday, September 5, 2015

Depth of Love

Yesterday, I sent off my baby on a 1,700-mile journey across the country to Scottsdale, AZ where he will be taking a new job. That is one tough thing to do. Try to narrow your son's life into the back of a Ford Explorer, then send him to a part of the country which is very new to him ... and way too far from da mama. But you know, he's 23, so he really doesn't need da mama like he used to. He's starting a new adventure, is highly qualified for it, and making a new home for his bride-to-be. He's excited and nervous, but certainly ready for this new phase in his life. As his parents we are very proud. And I only cried about four times ... although I came close to it about 100. As I explained to Kayla, having a child is like having your heart walk around outside your body. That quote has been attributed to author Elizabeth Stone. It's a perfect way to describe a parent's love for their child. It's such a vulnerability when you, as a parent, want to protect that heart you love so much. I used to wonder when my children were little if that feeling would lessen as they got older and were on their own, and I can say with all confidence that at this point, no, it doesn't. And I shared with Kayla I thought I would have far less to pray about for my children as they got older and on their own, and honestly it's more with even deeper issues. So know that when you have children, you will feel that way. It's not a responsibility issue ... it's a matter of the heart. Knowing how much you love each other as betrothed, you have a pretty good sense of how deep love can be.

Which makes me wonder ... does our Father in heaven feel the same way about us? When He sees us out on our adventures, learning new things, relocating, dealing with all kinds us issues, does he feel it like parents do ... with his heart walking around outside of his body (spiritually speaking, of course)? Does He want to protect us? Does He hope we've remembered everything He's taught us? Does He ache when we do? I'm gonna say that's a big yes to all. The depth of God's love for us is almost unfathomable. He loves us so completely and deeply it will take your breath away. I say almost unfathomable, because we know that depth included the sacrifice of His Son for our benefit. And to know it was God in flesh taking on our burdens ... that is a great and powerful love. How blessed we are to have Him as our Heavenly Father!

So while I have a daughter who went 950 miles away from home to school in North Carolina, then to Rhode Island, then to Maine and now in Florida and a son on his way to Arizona, the love we have covers the breadth of that distance and it will never fade. But most importantly, it will never ever fade from our Father God. Ephesians 3:18-19 says, "Pray that you may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth of the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God." So know that when you are on your own ... you are never truly. You have love from your earthly parents, but a far greater, deeper love from your Abba Father.

Not 450 miles into Anton's trip, he had a car issue. He is okay, and we are lifting prayers of thanksgiving and praise to our Father for that. Through the help of friends and family, it's an issue that is being taken care of. My son is not alone. He is deeply loved and we pray he is feeling it. And we pray, dear ones, you will always have peace and comfort in that. Turn to Him always. And when it's your turn to be parents, we'll be praying and loving right along with you.

Discussion: Is it difficult for you to compare God's love to that of your betrothed or parents? Does knowing the depth of God's love give you peace and/or comfort? Tell how much you love your betrothed.

Prayer: Father, you love is amazing, profound, deep, sacrificial and overwhelming. We are so much in love with you and thank you for all you do for us. Let us love as you do. In the sweet name of Jesus, Amen.

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