Thursday, September 17, 2015

Gave Himself Up For Her

Yesterday's post focused on wives, so today we're focusing on husbands. And more importantly, a God fearing one.

For a few months now, sitting on one of Daddy's dresser is an unsigned sheet of paper with the title at the top "The Resolution." It's a copy of the resolution Daddy signed after reading the book The Resolution for Men. I love this resolution, because it's what a husband should be. If husbands are the head of the household then they have a huge responsibility to our Father and to their families. It's printed at the back of the book. It speaks of being the spiritual leader in the home, loving and protecting his wife and children, being faithful to his wife, training his children in love and have mercy, forgiving, working diligently, learning from mistakes and honoring God. Men who sign this resolution, promise to follow it for the rest of their lives. When Daddy signed this form, he stood before our church with me by his side, making this promise to me, his children and to God. It was a powerful and meaningful moment. The Resolution is framed and hangs in our bedroom as a constant reminder.

This is what we want for our future son-in-law and for our son. We want you to read and complete that book, sign the form before your beloved, and adhere to it for the rest of your life. We want you to do that on behalf of our daughter and future daughter-in-law that we love so much. We feel those ladies deserve this, because it's required of their husbands according to the Word. Ephesians 5:25 says, "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her." If you are the man Christ calls you to be, it will be so much easier for your wife to be the woman Christ has called her to be.

Ayla commented after attending the Art of Marriage conference recently how depressing and discouraging it was to hear from couples who's marriages had been so destructive. She questioned how they could let them get that way. But never forget it's Satan's target to destroy the family in any possible way. If a marriage is representative of Christ's relationship to the church, then to destroy it is prime real estate for the evil one. So be cautious, guarded and fully committed to God. Hold your marriage to a high standard. Signing the Resolution, is a good place to start.

Discussion: Have you finished reading The Resolution For Men? Can you confidently sign the resolution? What are other ways to protect your marriage and family?

Prayer: Lord, our marriages are yours, and oftentimes we forget that. We pray, Lord, that these couples as newlyweds will be committed to you. That the men will be committed to their wives and children. Let their marriages be to your glory. In Jesus our King, Amen.

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