Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Naked? Problem Solved.

Argue naked. Yep, that's what the advice said. I asked friends just recently for some marriage advice for this blog since we're coming to the end of the 365 days to Rob and Ayla's wedding and the idea stock is running low. And that was one piece I got. Argue naked. Immediately after that, it said, "This is fun and exciting and solves problems in a hurry." Of course, I laughed out loud, but honestly, I wondered if it worked. So Daddy and I tested this theory just yesterday morning. Tensions were rising, so I immediately stripped down. "It's working," he said with a smile. He started to try to make his point again and started stuttering. "What was that argument about again?" he asked. I laughed and said, "I don't know, but I was probably right."

Naked arguing could solve a lot of problems in marriages. Then it would get heated in a whole different way, hubba hubba. I mean, how can you keep an argument going when you're there staring at the beautiful soul God gave you right there in the literal flesh. The last thing a woman wants to do when she's angry with her spouse is to get intimate, so why not nip that in the bud before it gets to that point. Now if you do this, you may want to be in the privacy of your bedroom, because when kids come along, naked arguing will be super creepy for them.

A friend told me she and her husband had a plan that when arguments got heated, they would walk away or ask for time to think and pray. Then come back when ready to discuss by lighting a candle at the dinner table and pouring a glass of wine for the two of you. Again, haven't tried this but may be worth it. Come back naked to the table and I'll bet that will also help.

For that matter, naked could make a whole lot of things more fun. Vacuuming, laundry, bed making, dishes. You just have to watch for unguarded windows and unexpected company. And I would avoid more dangerous jobs like ironing, repairs requiring a nail and hammer and cooking (although with that last one, Daddy would say, "Then just put on an apron.")

1 Corinthians 7:4 already tells us that our body belongs to our spouse: "For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does; likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does," so putting those bodies to good use - like preventing escalating arguments - can only be beneficial to a couple being obedient to God's Word. 

So remember this for after the wedding ... get naked, make up and have fun.

Discussion: Do you think naked would be a good argument solver? What might be some other ways to solve an argument.

Prayer: Lord Jesus we are fearfully and wonderfully made! May we always appreciate the beauty in each other. And I pray we don't let arguments escalate, but have respect, love and appreciation for our spouse. In Christ's name, Amen.

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