Monday, September 7, 2015

Designated Sacred Time

You've seen the pictures, surely. You know of the bride on one side of a door and the groom on the other as they hold hands and pray together before their wedding ceremony, yet not wanting to see each other before that walk down the aisle. Or maybe you've seen the picture of groomsmen all in a huddle praying for the groom before he walks out to see his bride. These are precious moments, but more importantly, they are holy moments.

I think when folks are all caught up in the pageantry of a wedding, sometimes they forget this is a worship service, a joining and vow-taking before the Creator of the world. So to remember to worship at His feet during this sacred time is an important and fulfilling moment. That is our hope for our children as these wedding days approach ... that you cover every moment of preparation with prayer. All things come from the Father, so take the time to thank Him and give Him glory in it. As 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." And Colossians 4:2 says, "Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with thanksgiving." When you are putting the final touches into place the day of, take moments throughout the day to find your quiet place or join hands with friends and family to praise the One True God. Invite Him to have the most important place in your day. It was His to begin with anyways and He is who brought you both together for His glory. So start off the day, the moments and your marriage righteously, in honor of the One who loves you most of all.

Discussion: Do you have plans to pray together before your wedding? What are specific times you want to take time to offer thanks for during the wedding day? Are there individuals you would like to pray with you the day of the wedding?

Prayer: Lord, Paul told us to pray without ceasing, and I pray your Holy Spirit reminds us to cover everything with prayer on those wedding days. All thanks and glory to you in the name of your Son Jesus, Amen.

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