Monday, September 28, 2015

So Happy Together

It was precious hearing the comments. Here I was on a Ladies Beach Retreat with some of the most fun women on the planet, having a fabulous time sunning by the sea, visiting, laughing, eating and shopping, and they couldn't help but talk about their husbands. Several times I heard wives say, "my sweet husband did" this or that. There were a few, "I wonder if my husband did [this or that] while I was gone," but most often they spoke about how much they loved their husbands. And I heard many talk about being excited to get back with their husbands after the weekend, including myself. One even went home a day early to watch football with her husband. These women ranged in age from 48-62. All but one are married and happily so. One of the husbands even commented on a picture on Facebook of his wife from the beach saying, "I miss you, princess! Have fun!" A sweet message of love. It was just so comforting to hear women speak fondly of their best friend, lover and husband - all one in the same. And each one's husband is as unique and precious as the ladies are. I was in awe of our Father in Heaven thinking how different each of us is and how God had brought to us godly, amazing men to be our helpmate in this spiritual journey to Him. And I was thankful for their long, healthy and happy marriages, praying they continue to be so.

For myself, with all the fun I was having and the great memories I made with these ladies (and look forward to making in future yearly beach trips), I could not wait to get home to my beloved. I couldn't wait to see my husband, hold and kiss him. I couldn't wait to share with him all the silliness and fascinating conversations we women had as we attempted to solve all the problems of the world. Your Daddy is my safe place. He knows me better than anyone else. My best times in life are spent with him, as are my greatest challenges and sorrows. We uplift each other, share each other's burdens, encourage each other, call into question things that might need tweaked in each other, have so much fun together and most importantly love each other so dearly. Our lives are so intertwined with each other that it's hard to pull apart from that for even a few days. It's a beautiful mystery our Father created.

Our hope for all of you is that you feel the same way about your future spouses as Daddy and I do and as each of those ladies feel. That you will be a best friend to your spouse, an encourager, lover and accountability partner. That you will care so deeply for your spouse that when apart, you long to be back together. That is a true two-become-one Biblical connection. That is true love.

Discussion: When you are apart from each other, what is it you most can't wait for when you get back together? What does your beloved do that makes you better? What are some comments you make to others about your beloved?

Prayer: Lord God, how amazing you are that you have placed this special someone in our lives, hand-selected and hand-created just for us! Father, you are an awesome God! We thank you for our beloved and pray we always remember to cherish them! In Jesus, Amen.

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