Thursday, September 3, 2015

Laying on of Hands

At the very end of a wedding worship service, the officiant will typically offer up a final prayer over the newlyweds. Then immediately afterwards will introduce the couple as the new Mr. and Mrs. So and So. But recently a friend told me about the most favorite part of his wedding. It was when his church family came up and laid hands on him and his wife at the very end as the prayer was read. He called it a "treasure." I actually participated in this laying on of hands, and I was so moved by the idea of having it be part of our children's weddings. To have your family or friends come up and lay hands on you just after you've taken your vows, is a powerfully touching idea.

The laying on of hands is one of my most favorite things in the church. It's a show of unity in the form of a blessing. People place their hand on your shoulder, back or head. When there are lots of folks, others place their hands on the person in front of them closest to the one being prayed for. In the Bible it was used as a blessing, bestowing spiritual gifts, in confirmations and ordinations, in healings and to receive the Holy Spirit. Jesus did this with the little children in Marl 10:16 "And He took them in His arms and began blessing them, laying His hands on them." I have seen miracles take place in the laying on of hands. It's a physical visual of a spiritual premise where "two or more are gathered" in His name (Matthew 18:20). And if you are the one receiving this blessing, it is something you never forget.

It's not something done for just any purpose nor done without reverence. 1 Timothy 5:22 actually warns of laying hands "too hastily" especially for someone who may not have a relationship with Jesus. It's a form of reverent worship and prayer. It is beautiful to behold and divine to participate in.

We wanted to share and encourage this option for our engaged couples. To have your parents, siblings, friends and church family lay hands on you during prayer, as you hold hands as a newly married couple, is a memory you will cherish forever.

Discussion: Have you ever participated in a laying on of hands? Have you ever been on the receiving end of a laying on of hands? What are your thoughts about having the laying on of hands at the end of your wedding service?

Prayer: Lord God we lift these engaged couples to you has they spend these last days single and excitedly anticipate the day when they will be joined in marriage. We thank you for being present in the union and ask for your blessing on them. In Jesus, Amen.

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