Thursday, September 10, 2015

Bird Day

Just recently a former colleague shared a sweet story of celebrating fun accomplishments in her family. This is what she shared.
"We celebrate Bird Days. Early in our marriage, someone gave me this dorky little crystal bird that held a birthday candle. Sigh. Soon after, one of the kids came home with news of a fun accomplishment that deserved to be celebrated. So I grabbed the bird and put it her place at the supper table. When we all came to the table, we lit the candle. She got to share her good news and we sang, 'Happy Bird Day," while she blew out the candle and made a wish. Bird Days became our way of celebrating promotions, good grades, good deeds, rights of passage, you name it. The kids were eager to whisper "Mom, I think that deserves a Bird Day." My daughter and son will now tell me their spouse deserves a Bird Day next time we gather for a meal. God inspires! Grab those memory making opportunities that unite you and run with them."
She added that she recently purchased her pregnant daughter a pewter bird to begin her own Bird Days. Now we're not necessarily suggested you get a bird candle holder, but her point about celebrating those accomplishments and sweet moments is certainly valid. There are so many challenges in life that people deal with, that to take time out to celebrate the special moments and precious victories is worth it and so much fun. It's similar to our Joy Jar (blog Dec. 31 of last year) talking about writing down special moments to remember and read about at the end of the year. But this is endearing in that it truly celebrates the joy in the moment. Kinda like when we got ice cream cones for every first and last day of school. With all life throws at people, we need to celebrate all we can.

It's part of edification and building up one another as in 1 Thessalonians 5:11. "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." Enjoy those times and celebrate as often as you can. Those are memories worth making for the people you love.

Discussion: What are ways you have celebrated special moments or acknowledged accomplishments in your beloved? Is there something you would like to do similar to Bird Days?

Prayer: Lord, we are so blessed by you and we love to celebrate those blessings. Help us remember to pause in life to rejoice in those special events. In Christ we pray, Amen.

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