Friday, September 25, 2015

The Day(s) After

It's the post-wedding glow ... or the post wedding exhaustion depending on how you're feeling that day after the big day. You may have stressed yourself out those days leading up to your wedding day, lacking sleep and going full throttle, so that when it's all over, the next day could be like a hangover. Nothing left, depleted of energy with little desire to get out of bed. Although that last bit could be for a completely different reason, wink wink. Some couples leave their ceremony and head off straight on their honeymoon. And some hang around the morning after for a post-wedding brunch and gift opening with family and the bridal party.

That last one was what Daddy and I did. We spent our first night in a hotel, then headed back to my Mom's house to open wedding gifts. We spent sometime with our family, then began our journey toward our honeymoon destination. It was a great way to say our good-byes before we head off on our lift together.

But regardless of what you do the day after the wedding, there are a few things you need to complete after the special day.
  1. If you plan on saving any of the flowers in your bouquet, you can dry them out and press them. If you are going out of town, perhaps put your bouquet stems in water or put the bouquet in the refrigerator to keep it fresh while you're gone.
  2. Make sure the top layer of your cake is wrapped well and stored in the freezer to eat on your first anniversary.
  3. Decide what to do with your wedding gown. Preserve it? Sell it? Regardless, you'll need to clean it. Also, don't forget to return rented tuxes.
  4. See if you have doubles in the gift department and return/exchange what you need to. This is also a good time to have fun shopping with gift cards.
  5. Write thank yous. This will take time, so pace yourself, but plan to have all of them sent out within 6-8 weeks of the wedding. Make sure you draw attention to your new address.
  6. If you were impressed with how your venue worked out, florist, caterer or baker did, a thank you to them or a positive review on Yelp is a good thing. 
  7. Kill the wedding website and remove your gift registry.
  8. Finish your wedding photo album or scrap book and watch your wedding video.
  9. Officially change your name. Some folks begin this process before the wedding, but if you haven't yet, you need to do that. Remember you'll need to change your driver's license, bank accounts, Social Security card, insurance and other places where you have your name. It can be a hassle, but once it's done, it's done.
  10. Go through items used to decorate your wedding and decide what you want to save and what you want to recycle, sell or give away.
  11. Combine checking accounts and get both your names on necessary paperwork, utilities, etc.
  12. Enjoy your new life and Mr. and Mrs. and making your first home together! 
Discussion: What are your immediate post wedding plans? Do you have plans for the items above?

Prayers: Father, we pray after these weddings, our couples can relax and enjoy one another a midst all the next to-dos that need accomplished. We pray the transition to married life is smooth. And we pray their marriages are filled with blessings. In Jesus, Amen.

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