Wednesday, July 8, 2015

100 days, 100 romantic ways

Well, my dear ones, we are 100 days away from Rob and Ayla's wedding. Yesterday we received our invitation in the mail. And we have already RSVPed on the website. We are so very excited! Details are being finalized! Folks are making travel plans. Daddy, Rob and Ayla worked on the ceremony outline. Now it's time to complete the details (Scripture, message, vows and music). It will be a beautiful and blessed ceremony for everyone who attends. And we pray God is glorified in it all.

So with 100 days to go, we wanted to help you remember the romance. With the stress of the last few months before a wedding, combining of households, honeymoon plans and the like, we want to make sure you take this time to remember to romance each other, love each other dearly and tenderly through actions. So we came up with 100 ways to romance each other, do kind things or go on a date. Do one a day ... and have fun!
  1. Go on a picnic: basket, checked blanket, sandwiches and all the fixens'. The Lord will provide the ants ... and probably a few flies.
  2. A walk under a full moon.
  3. Get an ice cream cone or share a sundae.
  4. Movie night out at the theater, with popcorn! Sneak in the candy and drinks.
  5. Read love poetry to one another. Check out the greats at the library: William Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, Robert Browning, John Keats, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, e.e. cummings, Robert Frost even Edgar Allan Poe. Then attempt to write one together.
  6. Take dancing lessons. Salsa, Rumba, Tango ... oh yeah.
  7. Have a wine tasting.
  8. Back or foot rub. Ahhh.
  9. Read one another the Song of Solomon. Have the guy read the Lover parts, the girl the Beloved and read the friends part together. But beware ... it's pretty erotic in parts.
  10. Write each other a love letter ... and send it.
  11. Get flowers.
  12. Surprise each other with a favorite candy treat.
  13. Wash each other's hair. Sigh.
  14. Coffee date.
  15. Visit an art museum. If not really artsy ... name each artwork and see how close you get to the actual name.
  16. A day at the beach ... take a walk, snorkel, write love notes in the sand and don't forget the sandcastle.
  17. Kayaking or canoeing. 
  18. Attend a music event.
  19. Go to a farmer's market.
  20. Take a home tour.
  21. Go to a sporting event.
  22. Go to an orchard or field to pick your own fruit.
  23. Round Robin dinner - appetizer at one restaurant, soup at another, salad at another, then entree at another and dessert at the last.
  24. Pick a country you would someday like to visit together and dig up all the information you can find on it.
  25. Listen to love songs together, look up the lyrics and sing them to each other.
  26. Do a jigsaw puzzle.
  27. Board game night!
  28. Go puddle jumping after a rain.
  29. Snuggle with puppies at a pet store or humane shelter.
  30. Have a campfire and roast marshmallows. No campfire? Nuke them.
  31. Go geocaching. Info at
  32. Take a Flip-A-Penny trip. Pick a number between 1-20. Heads go right. Tails go left. Where every you end up, have a date! (Maybe bring snacks in case you end up in the middle of nowhere.
  33. Fly kites.
  34. Go hiking.
  35. Watch a romantic movie together at home. Pride and Prejudice anyone?
  36. Make a playlist of your favorite songs together.
  37. Have a pillow fight.
  38. Make a chalk hopscotch and play a game.
  39. Pick a nationality and make a night of it. Mexican, Greek, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Chinese, Indian, Thai ... food, dress, decorations all about that nationality.
  40. Watch a sunrise or sunset together.
  41. Candlelight dinner ... lots of candles. Don't forget the soft music.
  42. Learn to say I love you in several languages.
  43. Go out shopping together and buy each other a new outfit.
  44. Rent bikes and go for a ride together. Or a bicycle built for two.
  45. Write each other a sweet note, attach it to two balloons and let them go.
  46. Get each other "just-because-I-love-you" card.
  47. Find a playground and ride the slide and swings.
  48. Bake your favorite cookies together.
  49. Go roller or ice skating.
  50. Go to a book store and search out joke books and read them to each other. Keep it clean.
  51. Leave a trail or plan a scavenger hunt to a tiny love token.
  52. Go out to breakfast ... or for donuts.
  53. Go to an antique store, thrifting or to Good Will and see what treasures you find.
  54. Bowling night!
  55. Visit a garden.
  56. Lay a blanket out at night and find constellations or watch for shooting stars.
  57. Make a tent or fort in the living room with blankets for a camping-like date.
  58. Play a sport together like tennis or golf ... or table tennis or miniature golf.
  59. Fondue night ... cheese then chocolate. Always fun!
  60. Try something new like go a shooting range or go horseback riding.
  61. Make a poster collage of each other by ripping out magazine pictures and explain why you chose what you chose.
  62. Amusement park or carnival. Keep your hands inside the ride at all times.
  63. Share a slurpie, blizzard, shake or malt ... and play table top football at the same time.
  64. If life is like a box of chocolates, get a box, close your eyes, bite into a few and guess what's inside.
  65. Appetizer night ... just those for dinner.
  66. Get a padlock, scratch your names into it and hook it to bridge. Then throw the key into the water.
  67. Blow bubbles.
  68. Carve your initials and a heart on a tree. Note: this will take time. Don't want to hurt a tree? Then paint one together.
  69. Send a loving e-card.
  70. Make a bucket list together. What do you want to do in your marriage together?
  71. Look up Bible verses about love together.
  72. Play a lawn game like croquet, horseshoes, bocci ... or whomp ball!
  73. Go to some beautiful location and take pictures of one another and get them framed.
  74. Make a cement stepping stone with your hand prints in it.
  75. Have a date all about the girl. What does she want to do?
  76. Have a date all about the boy. What does he want to do?
  77. Go to Bible Study.
  78. Visit a zoo.
  79. Have a carpet picnic ... get your favorite foods and have a picnic in your home.
  80. Get a coloring book and crayons and color together.
  81. Go fishing or crabbing.
  82. Get a TV series you've never seen before and have a marathon watching.
  83. Make things out of colored duct tape.
  84. Get some temporary tattoos and put them on.
  85. Go for pre-marriage counseling.
  86. Play A My Name Is Alice coming up with an adjective to describe each other.
  87. Watch your favorite childhood movie or cartoon together.
  88. Pretend you won $10 million in the lottery ... what will you do with it together.
  89. Volunteer at a charitable organization, perhaps serving a meal.
  90. Pick wild flowers together ... then roll down a hill. Watch for fire ants and bees.
  91. Plant a tree.
  92. Do a book full of Mad Libs.
  93. Have an Old Maid marathon.
  94. Paint ceramics or pottery.
  95. Write your wedding announcement for your local paper.
  96. Get a bunch of bubble wrap, pop it or tap dance on it. They are making it non-popable soon to do this quick!
  97. Put a letter in a bottle and send it out to sea.
  98. Go down memory lane via social media or old photo albums.
  99. Get each other a stuffed animal.
  100. Make a time capsule to open on your 10 year anniversary.
Discussion: Were there any news ideas above you plan to try? What are some others you can think of?

Prayer: Lord, the countdown is getting closer! Thank you, Father, for all the days leading to this point and the memories to be made. In Jesus, Amen.

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