Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Growing the Kingdom

Yesterday while shopping, I ran into a church friend who I hadn't seen in about two years. We spent time in the store catching up with each other's lives, and I was thrilled to finally meet her youngest child, a little girl. She has four children under the age of 7 and when I asked, "Are you done?" she responded, "Not yet!" She commented, "Don't get me wrong, this is a lot of hard work, but we figure when they are all grown, we are going to have the time of our lives." I commented back, "You are having it right now."

Daddy and I were talking about this recently. With my children now grown and beginning new lives of their own, it gives me time to reflect on my own life. And when I think back on those times when they were growing up, I realize those are the greatest memories of my life. Not my career, successes, adventures or even the amazing vacations we took ... but the moments I had with those precious children. See, the Lord told us to grow the kingdom. And there are a couple ways to do that: 1) evangelize to tell the world about Christ and 2) raise children in the Lord. If I could do it all over again, I would have focused a bit more on #2 adding more children to our family, because the rest of my life is all about #1. I see the value in larger families now. Having children is one of the most important things I have ever had the pleasure of being part of.
We pray our children have children one day. Of course, so we can be grandparents, I mean, how fun will that be! But more so because we know this world needs all the Christian soldiers it can get. And in a country where families have 1.8 kids (yeah, we don't know how you have .8 of a child either), the current birthrate is doing little to grow the kingdom.

Trust us, we're not looking at this with rose-colored glasses. We know having kids is work. And expensive. And fraught with challenges and crazy adventures. But we wouldn't change a thing. It's been a blessing all around. And think of the souls who will be blessed by them!

God already knows, my children, all about your families, how many children you will have, what their names will be and the number of their days spent on this earth. God knows all about their accomplishments and how they will serve Him. We just wanted you to know as we look back on our married life together, how precious those childhood years are to us. And how we pray you embrace and delight in the future families our Father has planned for you.

Discussion: Have you ever thought of having children as growing God's kingdom? How many children would you like to have?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we thank You in advance for the sweet ones we will welcome into our lives as our children have children. We ask for your blessing on their future families. And we pray these souls to come will bring you glory in a mighty way. In Christ, Amen.

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