Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Microcosm of Life's Journey

The RSVPs are coming in! It is so exciting to see the names of folks who are making the journey to Florida from California, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Alabama, Massachusetts, Montana, New Hampshire, Iowa, Rhode Island, North and South Carolina, Texas and other locations around the country. Ayla and Rob have friends and family all over our nation, so to bring them together for this special occasion is so fun. I have delighted in hearing from precious friends who have messaged me with "Got my tickets!" or "We coming!"  or "Looks like we'll see you in Florida!" My heart is overflowing with joy at celebrating this day with folks near and dear to our hearts. God has truly blessed our family in this life journey with friends who are loving, fun and willing to carve time out of their busy lives to witness and celebrate this marriage. Praise Jesus!

We know to come for this wedding this is quite a sacrifice for many, and we pray will bless them as much as it will bless us and Rob and Ayla. And we look forward to celebrating again with Anton and Kayla in June of next year. I think what is so amazing about these celebrations, is that the guest list is a microcosm of our children's and their fiance's lives. People they have known and loved since infancy or met as young children. Some they have met in high school. Others in college. And still others from life post-college. Some from various churches they've attended. People from the different locations they've lived in. When you couples stand in front of these guests to say your vows, you truly will have your whole lives leading up to this moment sitting right behind you, supporting you, encouraging you, loving you, mentoring you and blessing you. These folks have helped shape who you are today. Some have prayed for you your whole lives. The conversations and stories these people could share with one another about this common tie they all have in you! To go around that reception hall and just simply ask, "How do you know the bride? How do you know the groom?" What a fun time!

My dear ones, how honored you must be to know the ones who love you will be part of the beginning to great new adventure for you! And the best part is ... it's a worship service! They will gather to witness your marriage and worship the One True God together with you! Glory to Him!

We want you to take time to reflect on the names of the souls who will make this journey to be at your wedding. Pray for them. Pray for their safe travels. Pray for the quality time you'll spend with them. Pray the Lord blesses them as they will bless you. And thank God for them. Philippians 1:31 says, "I thank my God every time I remember you." Thank God for the part they've played in your life, what they've witnessed in your life and will soon witness. What a marvelous journey this life has been and will continue to be. May it always be to God's glory!

Discussion: Share with one another some unique stories about some of the guests attending your wedding. Why is it important these folks witness your marriage? Share also about friends or family you wish could attend.

Prayer: Father God, thank You for each individual who will come to our children's weddings. We thank you for having our lives intersect theirs and thank you that they are coming to celebrate with us. Lord, You are amazing and we are blessed indeed by Your children. In Christ we pray, Amen.

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