Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Happily Ever After

The other day Daddy and I talking about Heaven. I remember looking at his beautiful sweet face and thinking, "I won't be married to him there." I mentioned that I was actually sad we would not be married in Heaven. Matthew 22:30 says, "For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven." I mean, I love this man, I'm spending the majority of my earthly life with him, so the thought of not being married to him in Paradise just made me a little blue. We both commented that we probably would be so overwhelmed with love for the Lord, contemplating our earthly marriage would probably not matter so much. Which led your Daddy to say, "That's why we need to enjoy it here, because it's goes so fast!"

It made me wonder, did God just create marriage for procreation here on earth if there is no marriage in heaven? While I believe that is certainly part of it, I think another reason God created marriage was so you could completely understand the love Christ has for his bride the church. This earthy life is so temporal in the grand, eternal scheme of things. While we experience marriage here, the marriage we will delight in beyond the grave is between us and our groom, Christ the Messiah. Plus marriage teaches you so much about selfless love.

We are designed to worship the Father. And it's by His grace that we've been blessed with a soul to spend this journey with. You get to worship Him on this earth together. Serve Him together. But it truly is all about Him. Don't ever forget that.

This life goes swiftly by. You probably don't think so now since you are all in your 20's, but you just wait. Delight in each other. But more importantly delight in the Father. That is what is eternal. That is what is truly "happily ever after."

Discussion: Why do you think God created marriage on earth? What do you think it will be like for souls in Heaven? How does your relationship center on Christ?

Prayer: Father God, we thank you for creating such a beautiful thing as marriage and we pray that ours glorifies you in this lifetime. We love you, Lord, and pray we remember that our purpose is worship and service to you. In Christ, Amen.

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