Saturday, July 18, 2015

A Keeper

I remember the exact moment I met him. It was at Ayla's graduation from Johnson & Wales for her Master's degree. He showed up with a bouquet of flowers. Ayla had mentioned this fellow a couples times. She mentioned he was a "good friend." Um, good friends, do not show up at graduation ceremonies with a bouquet of flowers. Brad and I could tell instantly - he was smitten. Of course, knowing our daughter, we could see why. There is much to love about her. Brad said the moment he saw Robert Goggin, that this was the man he'd prayed for for his daughter. And you can't knock Brad's first impressions, because he said it was love at first sight with me. For me, I was intrigued to see where this relationship would go, especially when my daughter was days away from moving to Bar Harbor, Maine, while Rob was set to head to Martha's Vineyard. I think Ayla's thought was, "Why pursue a relationship when we're going to be so far apart?" But Rob asked Brad before we left Rhode Island, "Do you think I have a chance with her?" To which Brad responded, "You're still here. If she didn't want you around, you'd know it."

So pursue they both did. Texts, letters, phone calls, Skyping, Facetime and a couple "I'll meet you half way" dates. It wasn't long and they were a couple. And then Ayla's company transferred her to Florida. Rob actually accompanied her on part of her 25-hour journey and then flew home. I think I knew then he was a keeper.

Ayla was in love. For her the key was for him to have a relationship with Christ. "If you can't be the head of the household spiritually, then you can't be with me," I believe was what she said to me once. And Rob was certainly pursuing that. Rob closed the gap between the two of them moving - sans job - down to Florida to be near her. It was risky and bold. And he's been quite successful career-wise landing a job as an executive chef in a popular restaurant there. In the Spring of last year, we received a letter from this man asking for our daughter's hand in marriage. We responded by calling and giving our wholehearted approval. And in June at sunset on the beach in Garden City, they were engaged. Like Ayla, we love this young man. We see parallels in our relationship to theirs. Rob is tall, athletic, hardworking, competitive and a deep thinker ... all Brad traits. And Ayla is quite a bit like her mama. Ayla is a precious force to be reckoned with ... she is strong, loyal, tough, brilliant, creative, passionate and adventurous. And Rob knows just how to love her. Their relationship is authentic. Both hold their own and yet uplift the other. We are grateful to our Father that Ayla crossed paths with this man in Rhode Island of all places.

Today is Rob's 23rd birthday. We thank God for him. We pray for him regularly. We delight in the thought of adding him as a son-in-love to our family. And we thank God that our daughter's life will be joined to his in this spiritual journey to Jesus. Happy Birthday, Rob! We pray you have a wonderful day and blessed year. We love you!

Discussion: Share with one another the very first moment you knew you were in love? What are some traits you love about each other?

Prayer: Father God, we are grateful for Rob. Thank you for knitting him together so beautifully. We thank you for the experiences he has had in his life to bring him to a place where he could find our daughter. And we thank you for what he means to her. In Christ we pray, Amen.

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