Friday, July 31, 2015

A Good Long Time

John & Ann Betar in 1932 and 2013
Each year the Worldwide Marriage Encounter takes nominations from all over the country to find out who the longest married couple is. They receive hundreds of nominations. In 2013, the winners were John and Ann Betar, then married 81 years. This year the winners were Dale and Alice Rockey, both 99, married 81 years. Can you imagine? Some people don't even live to be octogenarians and these couples have been married that long.

Dale & Alice Rockey, 2015
There were video interviews of these couples. They were asked what the secret was to their lasting marriages. The Betars said, "contentment." and the Rockeys said doing things together, patience and compromising. Alice added, "I always let him have my way," then they both giggled. Both couples held hands periodically during their interviews. Both couples mentioned they were still very much in love. "But it's not been lovey-dovey for 80 years," Ann Betar said. Both mentioned trials from financial difficulties (especially since they both lived during the Depression). The Betars said family members told them "it wouldn't last." And the Rockeys said "It's been a wonderful ride."

To see couples like this married for so long is so encouraging. To see them happy in each other's company, even more so. If you go to the Worldwide Marriage Encounter website, you can see the list of longest marriages in nearly every state in the country. Even former President George H.W and Barbara Bush were listed as a winners with 70 years of marriage. Numbers range from the high 60s into the 80s. The WWME organization holds weekend marriage retreats all over the country to help couples reconnect. One of their slogans is, "Great marriages don't just happen. Couples make them." And that is indeed true. Ann Betar is right in that every moment of your marriage will not be "lovey-dovey." That's not realistic. But it's certainly worth striving for.

Great, long marriages are possible. They require work and all the qualities the couples mentioned above. You want a good long marriage? Work for it. Never stop. Go on retreats, read books and get advice from mentors who have been married a long time. As Alice said to her husband, "It's been a long time, hasn't it?" to which he replied, "A good long time."

Discussion: What kinds of things can you do together to make sure your marriage will be long lasting? Tell of a couple you know that has been married a long time? What have you observed about this couple's successful marriage?

Prayer: Father God, oh that we would be blessed to have long, loving marriages. We pray with you as the center, we can together endure many, many years together with as much lovey-dovey as possible. In the sweet name of Jesus, Amen.

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