Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Sure Foundation

 Ayla and Rob have a home. Rob's former boss and roommate will be moving out of the house he owns sometime this fall and he has offered the Sarasota home to Ayla and Rob to rent as their first home together. It's a load off for both of them, since they knew they would need to find a home together sometime within the next 87 days. Turns out this home that Rob has been living in since he moved to Sarasota is just 8 minutes from the beach and 15 minutes from where they both work. It's in a nice neighborhood, has plenty of room for them, two bedrooms, a good-sized yard, storage facility and precious patio. It will be a wonderful first home for this couple. Daddy and I are excited that they will soon be able to put their own stamp on the home, figure out exactly what pieces of furniture they need and start making this house a home.

Just last Sunday I was teaching my Sunday School folks about God's call in Genesis 12:1 to Abraham (then Abram) to “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you." Later standing next to an oak tree in Shechem, the Lord tells Abram to look around, because all that he saw would belong to his descendents forever. What is significant about this location, is that hundreds of years later, Moses' successor, Joshua, who led the Israelities into that Promised Land, asks them to make a very important decision in that very same place. He says to them, "Choose this day whom you will serve ... as for me and my house we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15). In this place where God told Abram he was home, Joshua asks the Hebrews to solidify what the foundation of that home was. 

No matter what Rob and Ayla's home is built of, what colors are painted inside, what furniture fills the room or decorations are on the wall, none of that will compare to what foundation it's built on. If the foundation is remotely shaky, the whole structure is at risk.

It's the same with our spiritual lives.Our foundation is Jesus. 1 Corinthians 3:11 says, "For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ." Jesus tells us He is "the Way, the Truth and the Life" in John 14:6 and that "No one comes to the Father except by Me." He wants us all to know that the door to the Almighty goes through Him. He is one that makes it possible. If we have Christ as the cornerstone of our lives (Ephesians 20) we are set to come face to face with our Creator. We build on that by our actions and love, building a temple to our God, with the Holy Spirit dwelling within.

My sweet ones, you will have a home, but we pray your home's true foundation will be in Christ. That each room will be blessed unto Him. That what happens in that home will be to His glory. That in it you be will loving towards one another and that guests will feel warmly welcomed. Psalm 119:54 says, "Your statutes have been my songs wherever I make my home." Praying that God's Word will always be a sweet song in your home. Choose this day whom you will serve.

Discussion: What makes a house a home to you? How can you make sure Christ is the foundation of your life? Will people be able to tell by looking at you and looking at your home, that you belong to the Lord?

Prayer: Father God, we pray that every home that Rob and Ayla and Anton and Kayla occupy that it will stand a s a sanctuary of worship to you. That Your presence will be felt, Your grace displayed and love shown. In Jesus, Amen.

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