Thursday, July 9, 2015

True Unity

Some couples light a unity candle. Some pour two different kinds of sand together. Some make a painting by squirting on two different kinds of paint on a canvas. Others pour two kinds of wine into one glass. Some press their hands into hardening cement. We've seen chefs combine two different colors of salt, spices or dried beans. Others create an alchemy experiment combining two chemicals to create a third. Some plant a tree together. There are many different ways to have a Unity Ceremony as part of your wedding.

For Brad and I it was the candle. Each of our mother's walked down the aisle and lit a candle on the church altar. After saying our vows, Brad and I walked over and grabbed our mother's candles and lit one candle. It was a sweet way of joining two families together.

Typically this part of the ceremony follows the exchanging of rings and precedes the kiss. It's designed to show the blending of families and lives into one. It is not a necessity for a wedding ceremony, as the unity is typically solidified with the exchanging of rings. So the option is there to drop it or make it your very own, unique to your personalities should you decide to incorporate it.

Rob and Ayla have discussed "tying the knot" which will incorporate their beach/marine theme. And Anton and Kayla are thinking of a unity cross, similar to one her brother and sister-in-law used.

Ephesians 4:3 says, "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." How does one do this? Back up a verse to 2 and it says, "with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love." So whether you use sand, salt, paint or beans, the true unity of Spirit comes with humility, gentleness, patience and love. We pray when you look at whatever you decide to incorporate as part of your ceremony for a Unity Ceremony, those spiritual characteristics will come to mind. For true unity is in Christ and for God's glory. May it be so for you.

Discussion: What does the Unity Ceremony mean to you? When you think of unity, do you like of humility, gentleness, patience and love?

Prayer: Father, we thank You that in marriage we are united not just to each other, but to you. May we, Father, always remember that being one with each other requires much humility, gentleness, patience and love. In Jesus, Amen.

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