Monday, July 27, 2015

What's Your Preference?

Saturday night at dinner with Kayla and her parents, we started talking about certain things we liked as couples ... kind of toothpaste, brand of ketchup or mayonnaise, how you put on your toilet paper roll (paper over or under), and things like that. It was fun hearing how we married couples handled that and listening to Anton and Kayla respond to what they would do after marriage.

So for fun, we decided to create a little quiz for you to ask your spouse-to-be to see what their preference is and how you might handle different things once you are married. Have fun!
  1. Who makes the bed?
  2. What side of the bed do you want to sleep on?
  3. Night light on or pitch black?
  4. How often do you wash sheets?  
  5. What kind of pillow do you like to sleep on?
  6. How many times do you use the same towel after the shower?
  7. How do you fold your towels?
  8. What kind of soap in shower? Shampoo? Conditioner?
  9. Toilet paper over or under?
  10. What brand of toilet paper will you use? Tissues? Paper towels?
  11. Brand of toothpaste to share (or do each get your own tube)?
  12. Type of ketchup you'll have in the fridge? Mayonnaise? Mustard?
  13. Who balances the bank account?
  14. Who pays the bills?
  15. Who cooks supper?
  16. Who does laundry? Who irons when necessary?
  17. What kind of coffee do you drink?
  18. Who gets to control the TV remote?
  19. Who buys groceries?
  20. What kinds of cereal will you have?
  21. What type of church service will you attend? Denomination?
  22. Who gets the mail?
  23. What kind of laundry detergent will you use? Fabric softener?
  24. Who will dust? Vacuum? Who does dishes?
  25. Who decides where furniture goes? Decorations on the walls?
  26. Fluorescent or incandescent bulbs?
  27. How do you divvy up closet space?
  28. Who does yard work?
  29. Who sews on buttons? Hems pants? Mends holes?
  30. Who prays?
Discussion: Did you learn something about each other? Were there any stalemates? What were your solutions?

Prayer: Father, we are grateful that we are different and bring our own experiences, desires and preferences into our marriages. Help us be understanding and patient with one another as we combine lives? In Jesus, Amen.

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