Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Take Care Of You

Daddy and I were lamenting our physiques recently. We looked at a picture of us together on our 18th anniversary, remembering those young, slender bodies. I commented aloud, "I wish when I was that age I knew how beautiful physically I really was," I said comparing my current body to the girl in the photograph. Daddy instantly responded, "You still are that beautiful." Aw, shucks, yeah, I know, cue the cupids with their harps. Mushy, rehearsed, the perfect response to a self-degrading spouse. But here's the thing ... he means it. If I would have just written here, "I'm pretty sure he means it," he would have gotten on me later for it. For Daddy always makes me feel like I am that Song of Solomon girl on the receiving end of "You are beautiful, my love, there is no flaw in you."  (4:7)

Truth is, we know we need some work. It's a perpetual, lifelong focus for both of us. Eating right, exercising ... they are a regular part of our lives. We tend to overeat or have little self-control when it comes to certain food items (insert "chocolate" here for me), so we need to be careful when deciding exactly what to fill our pantry and refrigerator with. With Anton home, there are far more snack items in this house than are normally here, and that is a nasty temptation for Daddy and I. And with the heat indexes in Alabama over the 105 degree mark, wanting to be outside exercising is put on the back burner or done reluctantly. But we are responsible for ourselves and need to stay on top of our health for the sake of the Kingdom. That may sound odd to say, but our health effects how enthusiastic we can be in doing all God expects of us.

Ayla has just signed up for the Disney Princess Half Marathon scheduled for February 2016. She's got a goal to not only maintain her health, but improve it. We excited for her in that. Anton on the flip side has had a nasty cold this week after a weekend of little sleep when camping with the youth at the YMCA, thus putting his body in a vulnerable position. So he's been dragging this week, coughing, sniffling, sneezing, as he daily regains his energy level.

Children, you are young and beautiful. You have bodies that don't have a new dysfunction every day. It seems every morning, Daddy and I have some new ache or limitation. And we hear it only gets worse as we age. So our first bit of advice is to look in the mirror and praise the Father in heaven that you are healthy and beautiful. Our second bit it to be sure to take care of yourself. If you are in a habit of doing so now, it will be far easier in the future. And thirdly, that you always see each other as beautiful. While I may not be satisfied with what I am seeing in the mirror right now, my beloved is, and that is very uplifting and reassuring. So be that for one another always, even on the no make-up, unshaven, bed head, acne, sluggish days.

Discussion: What do you find beautiful about each other? How do you take care of yourself? What do you need to work on? How does your health affect your daily life and efforts to grow God's kingdom?

Prayer: May we, Father, remember to take care of ourselves that we may serve you diligently. And we pray we always remember to compliment one another each day and an encouragement. We love you, Father. In Your Son's name we pray, Amen.

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