Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Plenty More To Learn

After inviting a man to Bible study once, I remember him saying to me, "I was confirmed when I was 14. What more do I need to learn?" I was surprised by both his ignorance and pride. Surely he didn't honestly believe he had learned all there was to learn about Scripture by the time he was 14? I've been reading it over and over again, and I'm 50 and certainly have plenty more to learn.

Two week ago, a group of nine people were shot and killed by a stranger who attended their Bible study in Charleston, S.C. A week later, 100 people showed up to that Bible study. Many were family members of the deceased. How wonderful that 100 people came to the same room to hear what the Word of God had to say to them, especially amidst such tragic, senseless loss. Looking for answers, looking for clarity, looking for hope, looking for support? Whatever the reason, the Bible study was the place they chose to find it. Praying 100 or more come tonight to their church study, and that it continues to grow and grow as they likewise do the same in the Word.

You will never know all there is to know about the Word of God. Just when you think you've got a particular verse or book figured out, God will open your eyes to new information to profoundly influence your spiritual life. No idea how many times I've read 1 Peter, but this verse (4:14) jumped out at me Sunday in worship: "If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you." It's timing was perfect and blessed me deeply. The Bible is called the Living Word for a reason.

We want to be sure you sweet ones continually seek out God's Word, reading, studying, listening. There is so much for you to grasp, absorb, memorize and apply. In this world of changing truths, the Truth of Scripture is paramount. We need our Father's guidance to know what Truth is. So dig in every single day. Study together. Study apart. Study with a group. Study morning, noon and evening. Don't ever stop studying. We promise you, there is so much more for you to learn.

Discussion: Are you currently doing - or are involved in - a Bible study? What book or section of the Bible would you like to learn more about? What is the best Bible study you have ever done?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we never want to stop learning more and more about You. Father, instill in us a desire to seek your Word every single day. Surprise us, Father, with Your Holy Spirit and teach us new each time we pick up our Bibles. In Christ, the Word made flesh, Amen.

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