Sunday, July 5, 2015

Never Alone

I was watching the 2000 movie Cast Away the other day and something struck me. That entire time Chuck Noland (played by Tom Hanks) was stranded on the Pacific Ocean island, he never once prayed. Not once. I kept waiting for him to make an appeal to God, but the only time he ever invoked the name of God was in vain when he was injured. Instead he sought comfort from a volleyball. His bloodied injured hand left an imprint on the ball (which had washed ashore in a FedEx box) that he made into a face. His conversations over the next 1,500 days that he spent on that island were with this volleyball he named Wilson. It made his loneliness seem less so. And when the ball was lost at sea, Noland was in despair. His hope came with the sun, tide and time. It made me sad.

See we are never, ever alone. In the greatest despair, God is with us. When we are betrayed by others, God is with us. When we are confused about circumstances or direction, God is with us. Even cast away on an island, God is with us. He will never leave us, never. And it breaks my heart that no one in the movie told this fictional character that very thing. The only hope in him seeing God amidst his troubles and in his future that I saw was in the illustration of encircled wings on another FedEx package that washed ashore. He told the female illustrator in a note that package saved his life. Perhaps she would introduce him the Creator and Comforter. The movie ends ambiguously before that can happen.

We want to be sure our children know they are never alone. We want to be sure our children know they can hold a conversation with our Father any minute of any day.

Last month, a teen named Aaron Rose from Texas was adrift at sea near Honduras where he was on a mission trip. He liked to kayak out to watch the sunset and was pulled by the current further and further from shore until he could no longer paddle himself in. A wave toppled him and his oars drifted away, leaving this boy floating helplessly away from the island. His response? He prayed and sang hymns. After singing "Amazing Grace, with the poignant words, "I once was lost and now am found," he said this to
"I've always loved that song, and I needed something to calm me down. Almost immediately, I felt a real sense of peace. I started singing other songs and hymns, and I prayed a lot, throughout the entire time." 
Then he added:"I just knew the only thing I could do was to trust God to do what was best. I was thinking of where Paul says 'for me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.' I know, and I knew then, that my relationship with Christ is strong enough to keep me safe through death. At the same time, I knew I wasn't ready to be done. I told God that I wasn't yet the man I wanted to be before I stood before him, and I wanted another chance to become that man."
Before Rose was found, his father, a pastor, posted this to social media according to "Thank you, Father, that my son will never be truly lost or alone because of your love." Rose was never alone and he knew it. His father knew it. The boy was miraculously rescued the next morning when a plane spotted him 18 miles from Honduras.
That is hope. Hope in Christ. Comfort in God. That is what I want for my children. When they have a question or concern, they go to God. When they feel the world has isolated or abandoned them, they go to God. When they rejoice in their circumstances, they go to God. Please, children, always remember you are never alone. Rest assured He is there for you. Deuteronomy 31:8 promises us He "will never leave you or forsake you." Please count on that. We'd hate for you to find your solace in a volleyball.

Discussion: Do you know with all confidence that God will never leave you? Do you go to Him first and foremost when you have concerns, joys or feel lost and alone? What are ways you can remember He is always there for you? Is there a time when you felt God with you when you were alone? Has a hymn ever brought you comfort?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we thank You that we are never alone. We have You there with us, Father, all the time. Lord, remind us through Your Holy Spirit, that we can always come to You with concern and questions and for peace that passes all understanding (Phil 4:7). In Christ we pray, Amen.

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