Thursday, May 21, 2015

Bachelor/Bachelorette Parties

"There will be no strippers."

Yep, that was said at dinner the other night. Anton and Kayla were discussing bachelor/bachelorette party ideas. And that was repeated a couple times. Well, we would certainly hope that would be the case! If these marriages are all about glorifying God and being united in Him, then something so degrading and crass would never be part of such a celebration.

These parties were designed to celebrate the singleness of the betrothed before they get married. Typically the bridal party has these parties, although oftentimes friends are included. For some reason this celebration of singleness has dissolved into debauchery for lots of folks: strippers, drinking and whatever else that leads to is commonplace at such events. However, we, of course, know our children and those they associate with are far more classy. No one would want to give their betrothed any reason not to trust them at these kinds of events. Scripture says, "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit" in Ephesians 5:18; and 1 Corinthians 6:10 tells us that "revelers" will not inherit the kingdom of God. He doesn't want us to be foolish nor conformed to this world (Romans 12:2).

I didn't have a bachelorette party, unless you count the bridesmaid sleepover the night before the wedding. We had fun. Daddy had a golf outing with his groomsmen.

I know Daddy is planning on taking Rob out golfing the morning of the wedding with whoever would like to come along. And Cristina is preparing a party for Ayla (something about cocktails). Ayla has said repeatedly she wants a sash that says, "Bride-to-be" on it. I know Carter and Kayla are cooking up something for Anton. I haven't heard if Kayla has an idea for her party. She recently returned from a weekend with her maid of honor who was having her bachelorette beach weekend with her bridesmaids and I believe she had a similar celebration with her sister-in-law, Caroline prior to her wedding. By the way - don't ever plan your bachelorette/bachelor party the night before the wedding ... that is a night you definitely will want a good night's sleep.

So here are some ideas we found about bachelor/bachelorette parties. Note that some are more for the guys or girls.
  • Sporting event
  • Camping
  • BBQ
  • Spa Day
  • Night of dancing
  • Casino
  • Wine tasting or cooking class
  • Art, film or crafts festival
  • Amusement Park (Disney anyone?)
  • Fishing/Hunting
  • Weekend getaway - think beach or sightseeing
  • Paintball
  • Geogaching - leaving wedding trinkets behind
So tweak away and enjoy your plans for your celebration with friends!

Discussion: What is important to you for your bachelor/bachelorette party? What are ways you can make memories without going the traditionally classless route?

Prayer: Father, may we always hold ourselves to a Your standard, make good choices, celebrate in a way that has integrity and grace and still have lots of fun celebrating together. In Christ Jesus we pray, Amen.

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