Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Advocate

You may have seen folks at church this Sunday dressed in red. It's the color people wear for Pentecost, the religious season we celebrate 50 days after the resurrection of our Lord Jesus. Pentecost Sunday is the day God sent the Holy Spirit to descend like "tongues of fire" (Acts 2:3) on each of the disciples in that upper room. That day, the disciples got to experience first hand what it was like to have the Lord dwelling (or tabernacling) within them. Jesus tells the disciples in John 14:16 and 26 "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to help you and be with you forever. The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you." Thanks to the Holy Spirit, we can understand Scripture, hear God's Spirit guide and direct us, gain wisdom and discernment and have a passion to share the Good News with others. The Holy Spirit helps us to speak on God's behalf and can even pray for us as Romans 8:26 tells us, "Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words."

This is a great day to celebrate. Very few people got to experience the indwelling Spirit first hand. Moses, Samson, Gideon, David, Elijah, Elisha and Micah were a few who enjoyed the blessing of the Holy Spirit. They witnessed miracles and saw evidence of God's mighty power. It is this same Spirit that we have within us this day, thanks to Jesus. The Spirit that sat enthroned in the Holy of Holies between the cheribum and above the Ark of the Covenant, now lives in us. We are blessed indeed and should be honored God has given us this great access. Yes, you can be witnesses to great miracles and see evidence of God's mighty power because the Spirit lives in you.

Tap into it. Be focused on the Lord. Remember that living is about exalting the Father and being in His presence. If you are open to listening to what the Holy Spirit has to say, you will gain much insight into God's plan for you both. If you allow the Spirit to work through you, you will do great things in His name together. Like the lyrics say in the Francesca Battistelli song Holy Spirit:

Holy Spirit, You are welcome here
Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for
To be overcome by Your presence, Lord

Discussion: What does having the Holy Spirit living in you mean to you? Tell of a time when you felt guided by the Holy Spirit?

Prayer: Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17) and tomorrow Lord we will be remembering those who died for that freedom. We thank You for the Holy Spirit. We pray we stay tuned into Your Spirit and gain wisdom from it. We love you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In Jesus, Amen.

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